The Packers Are Not Who We Hoped They’d Be

Not yet. But the future remains bright.

It’s been hard not to get caught up in the enthusiasm about these young Packers. Upside galore, spirit and camaraderie, a strong front office and coaching staff, and a man we believe can be the team’s next generational quarterback.

Last night was a good reminder that Green Bay’s potential is merely that. For now, the Packers are a mid-tier team that will struggle against more complete, consistent and talented rosters. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. And it’s time to admit that the Lions are the class of the North, as difficult as that is to swallow. 

Brian Gutekunst and company clearly aimed for a season in which the transition from the Aaron Rodgers era would not require a big step back. It’s an admirable goal and incredibly difficult to pull off. But at the end of the day, this year needs to be about evaluation, teaching and growth, not the win-loss record. 

Are playoffs out of the question? Not entirely, and the scheduling gods have been generous. Green Bay now has the equivalent of an additional bye, not playing for 11 days in Las Vegas. Ample time to get healthier. And then their original bye — more time to get healthy — followed by the Broncos, Vikings, Rams and Steelers, all beatable teams. 

So there’s a world where the Packers could be 7-2 before hosting Justin Herbert and the Chargers in mid-November. That’s when the going gets tough, and we shouldn’t get over our skis with hope. It’s OK, the future remains bright.

There will be plenty of dissection and film study of the Lion’s game and what went wrong, but much was naked-eye clear:

The offensive line, riddled with backups, wasn’t up to the task and is going to be heavily targeted by opposing coaches. So it was particularly  odd to see LaFleur start out throwing the ball on almost every down, even before falling so far behind that he had no choice. One wonders how much of that was lack of confidence in the line’s ability to run-block, or that Aaron Jones still isn’t right, or both. Drive-killing penalties on offense continue to bite. And of course there’s Mr. Barry’s defense, which despite a few encouraging moments still lacks coherence, consistency and any ability to carry the team, despite a wealth of individual talent. 

On the plus side, Quay Walker has clearly arrived. Too often last year he looked like that guy on a road crew who just watches over what everyone else is doing. He was the best Packer on the field last night. The D-line is a top tier pass-rush unit. The young receiving corps is going to be a problem for opposing defensive coordinators for a good while. Oh, and the Packers seem to have figured out how to successfully execute two-point conversions after years of ineptitude. 

Which bring us to Love. His legs, poise under pressure and arm talent continue to impress. But his accuracy remains maddeningly inconsistent, missing too many open targets. What you hope to see is steady improvement week to week, but there wasn’t much against Detroit relative to previous weeks. It’s hard when the rush is almost always in your face, but overall Love’s highs and lows were unchanged.

If there was an exception, it was the deep ball to Jayden Reed that momentarily had everyone thinking would start another miracle comeback. Love put the right amount of air under the throw, unlike many of his go balls that are too straight to let his receivers maneuver for them. That’s the kind of maturation that will pay a lot of dividends. 

A healthier Packers team in the upcoming Davante Adams Reunion Bowl can and should win. It will be more important to just see progress.  


Jonathan Krim grew up in New York but got hooked on the Packers — and on hating the Cowboys — watching the Ice Bowl as a young child.  He blames bouts of unhappiness in his late teens on Dan Devine. A journalist for several decades who now lives in California, he enjoys trafficking in obscure cultural references, lame dad jokes and occasionally preposterous takes. Jonathan is a Packers shareholder, and insists on kraut with his brats. You can follow Jonathan on twitter at @Jkrim.


7 points

Comments (81)

Fan-Friendly This filter will hide comments which have ratio of 5 to 1 down-vote to up-vote.
beerandbrats's picture

September 29, 2023 at 11:24 am

Thanks for the positive article Jonathan because we really need it after that beat down! There is plenty to be concerned about but these next couple of weeks provide some valuable time to regroup and right the ship!

2 points
Leatherhead's picture

September 29, 2023 at 11:30 am

After all the angst and emotion, we're 2-2. I'm not going to downplay the seriousness of losing at home to a division opponent, because if you can't beat them on your homefield you probably aren't the best team in the division. Given what Chicago and Minnesota are, this was Detroit's toughest division game of the year and they cruised.

That Bar Rescue guy puts his clients under a "stress test", to see where things break down. Well, we've had our stress test. Now we have a two week road trip to Vegas and Denver see if we can fix things.

IMO, problem #1 is providing better protection for Love. Every time he gets knocked to the ground by a large, strong guy we have a potential injury, and if he's injured, he's not playing and he's not practicing and he's not developing.

If we protect Love, then we might be able to stay on the field and score points and win games. This game, we didn't, we didn't, we didn't, and we didn't. The only real solution I can think of is to trade for a starting caliber offensive lineman, if we could do that, and at some point get Jenkins back, we might have enough horses to get the job done.

-2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:55 pm

Yeah OL is a mess but any fixes are moot if the run D continues to suck as is Barry Ball's brand. Soft, non physical football. Mr. Prevent the chunk play gives up chunk plays with his entrenched scheme.

But don't believe me:

“I think anytime that you go out there and you can’t effectively run the football,” said LaFleur, “and conversely can’t stop the run, that’s a recipe for losing football." MLF


7 points
Stickfish's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:03 pm

We sucked,” LaFleur said. “We got our ass kicked. If I knew, it wouldn’t have happened. That’s a BS question.”

As LaFleur got more questions about what went wrong, his answer didn’t change.

“They whooped us. They manhandled us. Again, if I knew the answer to that, it wouldn’t have happened,” LaFleur said.

This is not the first rodeo where we were man handled on
the D side and yards after contact were an embarrassment. The Lions have assumed the demeanor of their Coach, as apparently so has ours, again.
I don’t recall Campbell waving his arms to the crowd while on the sideline. Hard to imagine a locker room where your team just got drilled again and your HC admits his has no idea. While that may in fact be true, you cannot say that to your team.


3 points
Packerpasty's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:44 pm

MLF, head cheerleader is a wimpy looking guy on the sidelines who seems about to break into tears...thats what the players see when they come off the field in stressful this is all his team now, no damn AR to run the show....what a show it is...ugh

0 points
Stickfish's picture

September 29, 2023 at 03:52 pm

It seems to me we miss Stenavich more in his previous role then we are benefiting from his new. He had a way to cobble up a line strategy for a given week with the personnel available that at least offered a direction for the offense as a whole. Agree 100% the scheme has to improve to keep #10 upright and in the field or we risk another long period wondering what we have behind center.

2 points
splitpea1's picture

September 29, 2023 at 11:50 am

The future may remain bright, but it's going to take a lot of work to keep moving in the right direction. A serious offensive line overhaul will be needed in the off-season; mistakes have been made in drafting and retaining a few of these players. If you can't run, you're putting too much stress on your QB and passing game.

Coaching changes are needed, and those possibly include anything from head to toe. Some problems never get fixed in Green Bay, and run defense is at the top of the list. Aren't you supposed to "earn" the right to rush the passer--after you've done what's necessary to put yourself in that position?

And what about the play-calling and lack of substitution on the offensive line? As bad as a couple of these guys played, how come they were out there for every offensive snap? What's the point of having reserves on the roster if you're not going to use them when needed?

We have a mini-bye to maybe get a few things sorted out. MLF says "We're going to have to do a few things's insane to do the same things over and over again and expect a different result." Well okay, then actually do it instead of just talking about it. Here's our first chance to see whether MLF's dissatisfaction and desire for improvement is real or just more hot air.

12 points
bjkdad44's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:29 pm

I don’t think he will do anything different

7 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 08:45 pm


Hot air is my guess.

Not exactly farts after win , more like something after a horrible loss filled with a lot of excuses and woulda, shoulda, coulda.

2 points
vin0770's picture

September 30, 2023 at 05:50 pm

I just have never been able to figure out what’s the difference when you’re clearly watching a game between men and boys. We have 300 lb big strong guys they have 300 lb big strong guys…yet they have their way with ours. So it should be a frustrating draw play after play right, every team has big-ins.

So what’s left? Any credence to the cliche that teams take on the personality of their head coach? So we have MLF that doesn’t have the stones to fire that ST goof a couple years ago and it cost them, and now he can’t pull the trigger on his buddy the train wreck DC.

They have a hulking coach that wants to bite your kneecaps off…hmmm🤔

2 points
rodgersrules's picture

September 29, 2023 at 11:53 am

Hopeful article, but people need to get a grip on something. Love is not an accurate thrower of the football, and he's not going to be. He was never considered to be an accurate passer in college and he isn't now. The reality is that its not something that is genuinely teachable, its just not. He has other attributes, and of course that's not to say he won't make the occasional great throw, but consistant accuracy will always be an issue.

-2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:05 pm

"He was never considered to be an accurate passer in college and he isn't now."

Not so sure I agree with your police work, there Rodgersrules.

Rodgers completion rate two years as a starter at CA: Sophomore - 62% Junior - 66%. Overall 64%

Love completion rate two years as a starter at Utah St: Sophomore - 64% Junior - 62%. Overall 63%

Nothing to grip.

6 points
Packerpasty's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:48 pm

he was the leader in all of major college football in interceptions one of those years, am I wrong?? That doesn't speak to an accurate thrower...he forces way too many balls into tight spaces and doesn't really lead the WR most times...I think what he is now is what he is and will be...he's played enough football he isn't going learn a whole lot more...

0 points
Coldworld's picture

September 29, 2023 at 05:09 pm

Yes, and there are many plausible reasons why. In addition, that fact only emphasizes what he managed the year before. Love was actually virtually universally thought accurate at longer throws. He had footwork questions and issues with shorter accuracy. If you don’t believe it, it’s been explained. Cited. Quoted and there’s a ton more supporting info out there.

2 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:41 pm

They are fitting him for glasses on his helmit

0 points
Coldworld's picture

September 29, 2023 at 11:54 am

LaFleur is what many of us feared he might be. His coaches are what most of us thought they were. The team is what that necessarily results in.

15 points
Bearmeat's picture

September 30, 2023 at 08:46 am

Hard disagree. The defensive coaching staff is guilty and needs to be dismissed at the end of the year. But the offensive staff? C’mon man. You’ve been banging the “MLF sucks” drum for years with very little proof that this would fix anything.

The offensive side of the ball is very young, and two nights ago, was riddled with backups. You can’t properly evaluate in those circumstances. Wait until the end of next year and we can talk.

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 06:42 pm

Why wait until the end of the year to make changes?

RE offense: MLF stated that as far as the OL is concerned, everything is on the table. It should have been earlier. Many have wanted Zach Tom tried at center but I do not think he even got the chance. What, pray tell, do we have to lose. We seem to have an abundance of Tackles so let's try Tom at Center. If we get Jenkins back at left guard, we may be better. Let's give it a try.

1 points
PackersWinning's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:03 pm

How is it that Gooty gets a pass as the leader of the operation? As a scout, or leader of scouting….not bad at all.

As a business leader….he sucks. Over paid 12 and help on too long. Didn’t over pay 69, but invested a bit much for that guy at age 29. 13 games in 3 years and $40mil next year….yikes.

23….Ja is more like Ha. He’s not the best corner in the league. He’s above average….thats a financial miss.

Last two things… from making the football version of Space Cowboys, in this case the old guys weren't hero's. King …kiss his ring Rodgers got his play mates Big Dog, Cobb, etc. He gave in, gave up punted to 12 rather than being a bold leader. Didn’t big dog have 12 catches and 3 fumbles? That's value

Lastly don’t pay 52 more than the going rate for a one trick sack or bust pony. 53 can be a Great piece if you Aden players around to account for his single minded sack or bust style…… like the 45 home run guy who strikes out 150 times and bats .225

-10 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:20 pm


0 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:44 pm

Instead of thumbing down every post i submit, why not put on your big boy pants and say something.

Need a binkie sweetheart?

1 points
packerfanroy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 08:16 pm

Good to know im not alone in the "mysterious" down votes group LOL

0 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 30, 2023 at 10:01 am

I deserved a downvote i guess, lol.
I posted the word 'WOW' ...smfh

Foo*ing children 🙄

0 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:42 pm

Ya but he came cheap because he lacked experience he couldnt drive up his salary. A real murphys guy

1 points
Oppy's picture

September 30, 2023 at 08:44 pm


Gutekunst is not the guy who writes up the contracts. More importantly, the guy who who inks the deals doesn't report to Gutekunst.

You need to understand the (admittedly effed up) structure of the front office under Mark Murphy before you start assigning blame.

1 points
ricky's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:04 pm

This is pretty much the team that a lot of fans were expecting, IMO. Some good wins, some tough losses. But we're hoping to see the team improve from week to week. They cruised against the Bears, blew it in Atlanta, then stormed back to beat New Orleans. This week, the play calling was odd, as you noted with all the passing early on. But there was no running game without Jones, and the OL were five blocks of wet paper as far as pass blocking was concerned. The team needs to take a look at the OL, and put in some different players, even if they have less experience (see Rhyan, Sean). Also, LaFleur needs to have a Plan B ready if Plan A doesn't work, instead of stubbornly sticking with a plan that is obviously not working. Strong pass rush? Get the ball of the QB's hand quicker with short routes or swing passes that are easier to complete, and move the chains, eating up the clock to give the defense a chance to rest. The roller coaster ride we expected just took a big dip. But there are still thirteen games to play, and with some self evaluation from the coaching staff, perhaps they can start to form a coherent offense designed around the strengths of Love and the rest of the offense.

5 points
CanPackFan's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:12 pm

I agree with Ricky on many of these points. MLF seems to be in his own little world of self delusion re: players, coaches, play calling. He just can't seem to make urgent, hard decisions. This aspect of his coaching style does not inspire confidence.

8 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:07 pm

Lol MLF does not have a plan B. He plans the game, each week. And then pretty much goes with it. Subsequently then cautiously overthinks and makes personnel changes each week and rinse repeat. Speaks to a lack of faith in one's vision and master plan. At least from my perspective.

3 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:17 pm

Before the Lions game, i commented (down the hall) that a pattern is developing concerning the success of this Packers offense.
The Packers played the Bears and Atlanta who last year ranked 29th and 27th, worse yet, 32nd and 31st in defensive scoring, and the offense basically was humming, sans the 1st 3 quarters against the Falcons, but at least scoring enough to win.
Then they played last seasons 5th ranked defense in the Saints. We saw what happened.
So logic would say that we'd have success against last years 32nd ranked defense of the Lions.
But....Not so fast!!
Die hard fans know that Detroit's defense turned it on the last 6 games of the 2022 season. In those 6 games, the defense only gave up 19.5 PPG. Very good for them.
Especially considering they gave up 27 PPG in their first 11 games.
So far this season they are at 19.25 PPG. I believe a defensive scoring average of 19 PPG in this league is not elite, but it's still getting it done.
The Lions aren't quite there yet, considering how wide open Watson was on that 1 yard TD catch. Though they had their safeties out.
Like it or not, this Lions defense is for real and it's probably going to get better.

This author mentioned the Packers are now a mid tier team, and i agree.
I think the best case scenario at this point is to be a mid tier team at seasons end while they continue to grow. They certainly have the schedule to do that.

I disagree on Walker to a point,, he gets inside fairly well and tackles for loss because of his quickness, but otherwise allows too many yards before the tackle.
He is maddening to watch sometimes for his lack of play recognition, the same things scouts said about him in their draft reports.
We saw again on Walkers penalty jumping over the line, that some of his problems are upstairs.

The 44 yard pass to Reed looked really good, Love threw a perfect dime to him, and Reed kept great focus bringing the ball in.
Since the regulation clock clearly went down to zero's before the ball was snapped, the refs were either incompetent, or they decided to give the Packers some mercy yardage.

It is what it is, but regardless, it was a beautiful pass - catch.

1 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:44 pm

They are mid tier now but that could change

1 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 30, 2023 at 11:06 am

Yep, maybe it changes for the better, time will tell.

That's why we give them to the end of the season, THEN, it's judgement time

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 06:47 pm

I down voted you because of your description of Walker. He was the best defensive player on the field against Detroit and if you think this way of him, you must just dislike the rest of the defense.

I am a big fan of Quay and happy we have him.

0 points
0's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:18 pm

The talent was sent to the coaching staff to be trained up in the Packer Way.
When integrated into the team, the result did not reflect the totality of the expectation.
This leaves us with the realization that the coaching is suspect. This is the same conclusion that has been arrived at for the last three years.
If MLF is unable/unwilling to fire JB, then someone higher should consider reliving him
of this albatross .

17 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:31 pm


Exactly!! Like back in 2018 when Murphy had to be told by the Board to remove Ted from his position.
(IMO, about 2-3 years too late)
So now.... 8 first round draft picks on defense and this is the end result?

Enough already.

4 points
LLCHESTY's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:17 pm

There were a ton of questionable schematic decisions on defense but if the offense doesn't get a 1st down for over a quarter and a half the defense is eventually going to struggle.

-1 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 08:56 pm

MLFs first half offense will kill any defense. Then when they revive for a comeback later it's shortlived and there is no margin for error as by then they are entirely gassed. It's a vicious cycle with him and it will stymie growth further.

2 points
Since&#039;75's picture

September 30, 2023 at 11:01 am

I hear that....

But i'm of the opinion that the offense shouldn't blame the defense for its shortcomings, and the defense shouldn't blame the offense.

If the defense wants to get off the field, force a 3 n out, a punt, or make a play and get a turnover.

But that's just my opinion.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 30, 2023 at 07:21 pm

Absolutely agree. But with this team they need to start on the offensive and get a lead. Defense is not anywhere good enough to hold the fort waiting for the offense put some points on the board. Likewise the offense needs to build a rhythm and move the chains, not come out swinging with all pass. And the offense is not yet good enough their capable of it for sure. But not until we get the offensive line settled and get some guys healthy. (And use them).

0 points
White92's picture

September 29, 2023 at 05:27 pm

Yep. I've been saying MLF should go all off-season.

He'll finally run "his offense" I was told. So far he hasn't changed much. Questionable tactical decisions, undisciplined, unprepared, and a continued neglect of the run game. All the while holding on to a DC that never should have been hired in the first place

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 06:49 pm

Actually, in my opinion, he has changed quite a bit but the results have not been there.

0 points
fireball's picture

September 29, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Okay, I'm going to go along with the idea that the Packers are essentially a new team, and young, and inexperienced. . . and what we saw on the field Thursday night was a new, young, inexperienced team horrible to watch in the specifics of being new, young, and inexperienced.

The above is what the coaches are attempting to deal with. The season is long and I'm not ready, entirely, yet, to bail on the coaches. But, man, they have to show, eventually, that they can coach, effectively, successfully, a new, young and mostly inexperienced team. I think the makings are there for a great team. . . if the coaches are up to it.

What happened last night is what I suspected would happen when I ventured a comment last Tuesday, saying the Lions will probably kick the shit out of the Packers.

So the Packers move on. Another game. Another test.

2 points
coolhand's picture

September 29, 2023 at 03:48 pm

Well let's see, Myers is in his 3rd year, Runyan as well, Newman his second, and they are the 3 worst on the O line. Tom and Walker are 2nd year guys getting their first starts and are doing well. Young or not, it's talent and desire that win

3 points
LLCHESTY's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:33 pm

Runyan is in his 4th year. I don't think he's good enough to get middle of the road starter money but he has value. I think I let him explore FA and if he's still sitting there after a week call his agent about signing a lower level deal with some playing time escalators.

I think they really need a G with some nasty. Actually thought that before this year's draft. Now they need a T, G and a C of they're sticking with Tom at T. Give Myers some real competition in his last year and see how he responds.

1 points
CanPackFan's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:02 pm

I don't like feel good articles. They tend to mask problems and protect the authors of problems. Yes, we now know that this young GB team is likely a .500 team this season. That's a reasonable expectation.

This is an exciting young team regardless. Yes, beat downs of your team are not fun to watch. But the same old, same old comes out once again - bad defense, poor play calling, and no meaningful in-game adjustments. It seems to be the MLF game profile.

The military and business have many similar strategies in becoming successful. One if them is that you MUST be able to control and FIx the things under your control. Every week I wonder (1) how Barry is still employed, (2) how this Oline does not put its 5 best out there when these players can play different positions, and (3) how the penalties particularly on offense have risen so dramatically (MLF)?

I love the Pack but this is looking like a subpar coaching staff. GB fans deserve far better. I don't want to hear the usual MLF post game excuses - I should done this, I got away from the running game, we got shredded on defense, etc. We've heard them all before, ad noseum.

So, Mr LaFleur - no more talk and excuses. We need action. FIX the things you can fix. Now, please.


15 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 06:53 pm

Yes, I believe we do have a coaching staff and it starts at the top. When he does not get rid of Barry then we lose a year if he does not work out. That is on LAF which makes him just a so so coach at best if the rest of his coaching is okay such as planning and in game adjusting.

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:27 pm

It is games like last night that reinforce the Packers are a marshmallow team. The hope that the Packers on paper looked to have the best talent in years on both the O and D lines...4 games later...SMH.

The D looked like they had waved the white flag after the 1st quarter as the Lions just manhandled their way to 3 straight driving scores after Ford's INT. On the field they looked dejected and disgusted.

The OL at times let pass rushers travel to Love with minimal times untouched. One of Love's sacks was Newman missing his guy, Myers tried to slow him but whiffed, as JRJ's guy then quickly followed behind. About 2 seconds of action.

With so much parity in the NFL in terms of talent acquisition, coaching is the primary difference maker. The hope MLF would grow into a take charge coach to start the Love era was probably a fool's hope.

I will still hope. I like the talent on the Packers. So I hope it can rise above coaching incompetence.

14 points
fireball's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:43 pm

I agree: coaching is the difference. Lombardi made all the difference in his first year with the Packers going 7-5 after the previous season ( without Lombardi ) when the Packers only won one game. . . and no winning season for 11 years before Lombardi.

7 points
LLCHESTY's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:36 pm

I forgot, what was LaFleur's record his 1st year after the team went 6-9-1 the previous year. Is a 7 win improvement better than a 6 win one?

-2 points
TOMMY&#039;63's picture

September 30, 2023 at 05:33 pm

Lombardi was a great coach and gm. In the past 60 years, how many coaches are there in the nfl today of his calibre? just Bellichick?

0 points
coolhand's picture

September 29, 2023 at 03:58 pm

The O line is so bad. There was a play where Hutchinson came on a stunt from the outside into Runyan and just pushed him backwards into Love. I thought Runyan was better than that.

3 points
Coldworld's picture

September 29, 2023 at 05:16 pm

Runyon, in his defense played half of that game banged up and was in about after because they were too afraid to try Rhyan or move Tom in and play Nijman or Jones. The same rubbish as trotting a one armed Nijman out for two games while Tom sat at the end of last year. This is the sort of baffling decision making we have become accustomed to since the switcheroo probably lost us a Super Bowl shot.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:22 pm

As I said in TGR's snap count article there's no way with Jenkins out that Nijman isn't one of the 5 best OL available. All option need to be on the table.

If it were me since they don't play until Monday night I'd use one of my padded practices Tuesday to try different combinations. But start by letting the players know their starting jobs are on the line.

Watching Wahle's breakdown today, he points out a lot of questionable coaching decisions. Couple that with a lack of physicality and you get what we saw last night.

0 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:46 pm

Coaches dont suit up, The coach of the lions didnt play last night. The Gm of the Lions drafted pass rushers, running backs, offensive linemen and receivers who can catch a ball. This is Gutts team. Thank him

2 points
Packak's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:45 pm

Well, that was a humbling reality check for many of us, myself included. The Packers are just not ready to be competitive with the truly good teams in the league. They are instead what we realistically expected before the season kicked off: a promising squad with a bunch of issues to iron out that likely hovers around .500 most of the season.

The good news is that they are still 2-2 with some very winnable games coming up. I do think this team can turn in some fun performances and still be alive for the playoffs come December.

What to like are that our offensive skill players appear to be for real. Love is athletic and poised and can make big plays - if he ever sorts his accuracy issues out he’ll be truly dangerous.

What not to like is that this team still has a long way to go to shed its soft, front runner tendencies. Just once, I’d love to see them come out playing tough, disciplined football and push another talented team around. I’m getting more pessimistic that we’ll ever see Packers like that without coaching changes.

10 points
CanPackFan's picture

September 29, 2023 at 06:25 pm

On paper, these upcoming games may look winnable but...
(1) Any team can run against GB. Maybe any high school team? Until Barry goes our D will always be an inconsistent question mark. Its deplorable that this man is allowed to ruin a team with such young talent! Shame on you MLF!
(2) Toughness - Every team seems tougher than GB. MLF culture? I won't even get into discipline. Again, MLF softness.
(3) The Oline is another huge, huge question mark! They trot out Myers and Newman each week and they get pushed around like small kids on a schoolyard. We have better O line that can be moved around. But again, the coaches who owe homage to MLF ( yes Steno, that's you) don't have the cajonnes to make decisions that upset MLFs preconceived (and erroneous) perceptions.

So, I have serious doubts that games that are winnable on paper can be accomplished by this team! And I wholeheartedly agree, we need URGENT and timely coaching changes. Sooner the better!!!

4 points
Tundraboy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:09 pm

We won't until there is a new staff. The current staff is not the one to lead and develop this talent. I'll hope for the best but I can not ignore all that I've seen so I'll wait them out if I have to. Just going to enjoy watching each player have a great game or make a great play this year. As long as they are given the right opportunies and not ignored.

0 points
albert999's picture

September 29, 2023 at 01:50 pm

Maybe spend less time and money on the outdoor surroundings of lambeau field and remember what pays the bills inside of it
Get a coach with some balls, trade and free agent spend and do it now not coach and draft and spend to develop
That’s what Rodgers was pissed about the whole time

7 points
coolhand's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:06 pm

Well, when Gute could he did spend big money on the Smiths and Amos, gave out big deals to Bakh, Jones, ARod. So he's not afraid to spend, it's just we don't have any cap space now.

2 points
CanPackFan's picture

September 29, 2023 at 06:26 pm

Murphy, argh!

0 points
Gman1976's picture

September 29, 2023 at 03:37 pm

There's a really easy solution for the defensive problems: If Joe Barry can't coach all this talent to be effective, get someone who can. Enough already.

7 points
coolhand's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:07 pm

And if Butkus can't coach the O line then also get someone who can

3 points
Coldworld's picture

September 29, 2023 at 05:18 pm

And Montgomery? It goes on. The problem includes these guys but it starts and only ends with LaFleur

2 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:47 pm

Great idea only its four years too late

1 points
egbertsouse's picture

September 29, 2023 at 04:59 pm

What was everyone expecting this team to be? It has C+ level talent being coached by C- level coaches. It’s A level talent has either been traded (AR, Davante) or has aged out to a lower level (Bahk, Jaire, Jones, Clark, Campbell). A few young guys may get there (Gary, Watson, Walker, Wyatt, Van Ness) but they are certainly not there yet. A couple that could have been A’s like Jenkins or Stokes have been limited by injuries.

This team has been limited from obtaining top talent by its D level financial mismanagement which is paying $60 mil for players not playing for them. Now that Bahktiari is on IR, that figure could be considered to be closer to $80 mil.
This team is exactly what I thought it would be. With a couple losing seasons and some cap space clearance this team can again acquire talent and compete for titles, assuming Gute can minimize the draft whiffs like Savage and Dillon.

1 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:50 pm

People forget to take into consideration, other teams like the Vikes trade guys approaching 30 for picks and reload every year. They like the lions also get to draft and acquite free agents. The pack has so many holes to fill every year because they let guys go and get nothing in return

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

September 30, 2023 at 01:10 pm

He can minimize the draft whiffs by being replaced. He is average at best, in securing talent.

-2 points
Qoojo's picture

September 29, 2023 at 05:37 pm

They are who I thought they would be. 500 team +- 2 games. There will be ups and downs. This year is basic OJT for QB and WRs. It's also training for MLF who needs to learn how to game plan and call game without a HOF qb.

Defense needs to improve against the run. Given the talent level, the defense is clearly underperforming.

Expect inconsistency. By the end of the year, we should see better consistency. If not, then well, we've been there before.

-1 points
Since&#039;61's picture

September 29, 2023 at 06:04 pm

It's time to remember that the NFL is a week to week league. Teams look terrible one week and great the next. Some teams look bad for several weeks and then turn it around and go on a winning streak. For example the 2016 Packers were 4-6 when they went on a 8 game win streak which took them all the way to NFCCG that season.

I'm no expecting anything like that for the 2023 Packers but if Jones, Watson, Jenkins and Alexander can get healthy and return after the full bye in time for the Broncos game and if the coaches can figure out the OL and the run defense this team and the season can get back on track and look much better than it does right now.

The biggest change needs to come from the coaching staff. They need to take a long, hard, honest look at what they're doing and what they need to do to improve the team's performance. The players need to hold each other accountable. One of the big issues for the team remains to be leadership on the field. On offense I think that Love and Jones need to step into those roles. On defense Clark and Alexander need to step up as well. Maybe Preston Smith also.

The Lions game proved that the team needs someone to rally around on the field when things get really bad. The coaches also need to step up on the leadership issue. The team is too undisciplined and that's on both the players and the coaches. Coaches need to preach it and players need to remind each other not to let things get too far. I don't think any of that is taking place right now. Focus on execution and get more physical.

There is plenty of work to do but get back to some basics and work on them. One play, one game at a time. Plenty of season left for the Packers to grow into a solid team regardless of the won/loss record. Thanks, Since '61

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 07:03 pm

'The biggest change needs to come from the coaching staff. They need to take a long, hard, honest look at what they're doing and what they need to do to improve the team's performance.'

I hope you mean the coaching staff needs to take a look at themselves as they just are not getting the job done. This goes especially for LAF. He goes out on a limb and keeps Barry when most people do not agree with that strategy.

1 points
LLCHESTY's picture

September 29, 2023 at 07:12 pm

Matt LaFleur said if they can't effectively run the ball and stop the run they're going to lose. LH says "hold my beer."

Giving up 200 yards rushing in two games out of four isn't bad, it's fugly.

3 points
packerfanroy's picture

September 29, 2023 at 08:30 pm

It's gonna be a long, up and down season folks, buckle up.

At the same time I wouldnt be suprised if MM has some analytics guy telling him that the Packers gave up 4.246 points less than expected and the offense scored 1.1456 points more than expected and combined with the excel spread sheet telling him that profits are up by % 0.57 over expected, in part thanks to the $5mil PR campaign to make fans think it was all AR12's fault and thus protect the brand, and conclude that he is, in fact, not an idiot....

1 points
Fubared's picture

September 29, 2023 at 09:53 pm

I still dont understand how some people thought this was going to be a good team. That the people drafted were first class and we were young and ready to play quality football. There may be five guys on this team that can play football at a high level. Two are on the injured list, one is playing and one is playing part time.

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 07:05 pm

I agree with the first part of your comment in that we have a .500 team or there abouts. That is just because of the youth and inexperience. We have some quality players and the last two drafts were very good.

Now the coaching........

0 points
Oppy's picture

September 30, 2023 at 08:47 pm

Team is loaded with young talent.
That talent needs to grow.

How are your Vikings doing?

0 points
albert999's picture

September 29, 2023 at 10:08 pm

Get rid of lafleur now instead of when u have to in 2 years

-1 points
HawkPacker's picture

September 30, 2023 at 07:06 pm

I don't agree. Get rid of Barry and select Defensive staff now and then see how things go and then consider LAF at the end of the year or thereafter.

0 points
ReaganRulz's picture

September 30, 2023 at 07:12 am

We all expected an unpredictable season. The Lions are a good team and we need to acknowledge that.

Now we get an extra long week to get healthy and do the work to improve on the many mistakes. We also get an opportunity for revenge against the Lions later this year when we hopefully will have many of these kinks worked out. Key word, “hopefully”.

0 points
Mr_Bill_H's picture

September 30, 2023 at 06:22 pm

The cookies are still in the oven,

0 points
Oppy's picture

September 30, 2023 at 09:01 pm

People acting like the sky is falling.

Answer this question- do you think it is possible the Packers go .500 through the first 3/4 of the season?
Let's say they lose every other game through week 13. They're the epitome of a .500 team.

That would put them at 6-6.

Then they start to gel, get it together, and start to take a step.
Is that possible with the youngest team in the NFL?

The last 5 games of the season:

Giants (1-2, last in their division)
Bucs (2-1, anemic offense, 3rd in division)
Panthers (0-3, last in division behind Bucs)
Vikings (0-3, and, more importantly, perennial late season bed shitters)
Bears (still suck.)

If things break right, Packers go .500 through week 13, figure it out and win out the final 5 games- which, on paper as of right now, looks doable- that's.. let me do some numbers crunching real quick..

11-6 GPG

0 points
Packers1985's picture

September 30, 2023 at 09:12 pm

I know but the main concern is the same stuff repeating over and over again. The defense which cant hold the opposing teams run and the HC who doesn't seems to have an answer against Physical teams.

Apart from that i too feel we can get to 9-8 and make it to the wild card this year given our schedule(seems to be relatively easier this yr) which will be good starting point i feel. The next two games are easily winnable if we loose then that's when i'll panic a bit.

0 points
Fubared's picture

October 01, 2023 at 10:10 pm

We dont want the sky to fall just something from the sky to drop, its white gooey and smacks Barry right on top the head. Spaaaaaalat! LOL

0 points