Revisiting Mark Murphy's comments on Aaron Rodgers

Who has the leverage: the Packers or the Jets?

Ten days ago, Green Bay Packers president Mark Murphy spoke with local reporters at the WIAA girl’s basketball state tournament in Green Bay. In an interview with WBAY sports reporter Adriana Torres, Murphy said that the Packers wanted to create a situation that was a win-win for both the team and Aaron Rodgers. Makes sense. 

He also used the past tense when talking about Rodgers, saying “he had a great career [in Green Bay]. Regardless of what happens, Aaron will be in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, he’ll be in [the Packers’] Hall of Fame, and we’ll bring him back and retire his number.” He then added: “This is just one of those things you go through as a team.” 

In a separate interview with WLUK-TV FOX 11, Murphy was asked whether there is a scenario where Rodgers is QB1 for the Packers in 2023. “Yeah, I mean, unless things don’t work out the way we want them.” 

The aforementioned comments postdated the Jets’ meeting with Rodgers in California, which occurred earlier in the week. At the time of his comments, several online onlookers were perplexed, to say the least, as to why Murphy would not only speak publicly on the matter but also why he would declare that the Packers were ready to move on from the four-time MVP. Alas, it appeared that the Packers lost leverage in the trade discussions with the Jets because of Murphy’s declaration that they were moving in a different direction, barring something unforeseen. 

In the lead-up to Murphy’s comments and even after, there were conflicting media reports regarding where things stood in discussions between the Packers and the Jets. On one side was the fact that Aaron Rodgers made up his mind and wanted to play for the Jets and that the two teams were in negotiation with each other. The other side was that Rodgers had not made up his mind and therefore was holding up the deal. 

During Rodgers' appearance on the Pat McAfee Show on Wednesday, he provided clarity on the situation. He stated that he intended to play for the New York Jets next season and had informed the Packers of this on the previous Friday, which was the same day that Murphy made comments to various media members. Rodgers denied holding anything up, instead attributing the delay to the Packers' compensation demands, as he shared with McAfee, who fanned the flames Saturday morning.

Therefore, it appears that Murphy did not cost the Packers any leverage. In fact, the team has leverage over the Jets. The Packers believe they have a viable backup plan in Jordan Love as QB1, which gives them an advantage over the Jets, who do not have a backup plan at the quarterback position. Despite the Jets having the opportunity to sign other quarterbacks such as Jimmy Garoppolo or Derek Carr, they failed to do so as they were waiting for Rodgers to make a final decision. While some may consider Lamar Jackson a viable option, it is unlikely that the Ravens will not match any offer by the Jets. The team could also trade for Ryan Tannehill or sign Teddy Bridgewater, but both moves would be a significant downgrade from Rodgers and could lead to immense fan backlash and potential job loss for general manager Joe Douglas if the Jets fail to make the playoffs. Technically, the Jets could return to Zach Wilson, the team's first-round pick (second overall) in 2021, but that is hardly a viable option given that the team benched him last season. 

There may be some urgency on the Packers' side to reach a deal before the 2023 NFL Draft, particularly if they view this year's draft as more favorable than future drafts. Alternatively, they can wait until the summer to demand 2024 and/or 2025 draft compensation instead. 

While it is possible that the two teams may execute a trade soon, the longer this drags on, the more public pressure will intensify on the Jets to get a deal done. Moreover, the Jets screwed themselves by not agreeing to trade compensation before meeting with Rodgers. When teams were interested in trading for Deshaun Watson, they all reportedly agreed to compensation with the Houston Texans before pitching Watson. That is how it should be done. Ultimately, the advantage lies with the Packers, and it seems that Murphy's comments did not cost the team after all.




Rex is a lifelong Packers fan but was sick of the cold, so he moved to the heart of Cowboys country. Follow him on Twitter (@Sheild92) and Instagram (@rex.sheild). 


5 points

Comments (102)

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T7Steve's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:20 pm

It's all good then?

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:57 pm

Murphy's primary job is negotiating. He does all the real estate deals. He reps the pack at on the management committee that does the tv contracts, and branding and the negotiations with the NFLPA. This is the ONE spot I feel confident in Murphy's ability. It's no longer personal, it's strictly business.

I'd rather football operations resided in the GM's office, but for once, it's Murphy's time to shine. Bleed those Jets dry Murph. A pound of flesh, closest to their heart.

-1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 05:12 pm

I agree about Murphy's business body of work.. However his time to shine was last year - before the Rodgers retention and extension. He blacked-out. So best to leave him in the dark and let Gutekunst handle everything.

3 points
Fubared's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:22 pm

Everyone has an opinion. Mine is simple and based on need. Who in the deal has a need. The answer is easy, the Packers. They need to get something for Rodgers, they hope substantial. The Jets on the other hand want Rodgers but clearly dont "need" him. Thus, they are the ones who can lay back and play the waiting game and if they tire, deal off, we got Wilson, lots of good picks, other QB's still around kicking tires and at worst, get a near top pick in next years draft.
The Pack know that if the Jets back out, they get zilch. Rodgers retires, no picks and still owing a lot of money to someone who know isnt even suiting up. They put themselves in this horrible position by waiting and hoping last year was SB bound with an MVP guy. Ya the pack need to get a grip and try and salvage a decent pick this year - two or three and a decent pick based on Rodgers play next year of a two and possibly a one.
Word is the Jets are offiering a 4 pick and thats it.

-14 points
NitschkeFan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:15 pm

I disagree with that. The Jets are in contention for a championship with a good QB. Otherwise it’s a lost season , again. More than a decade without a single playoff game.. GM and coach probably fired.

Packers are not going to win, do not expect to win a SB thus year. It’s part of the soft rebuild. So no “need” on the Packers part even if the season goes down the drain .

9 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:19 pm

No, the Packers want to get something for Rodgers. They dont HAVE to. If the Packers get nothing for him they'll be ok. If the Jets start Zach Wilson again, Douglas and Saleh will be looking for new jobs. Huuuuuge difference.

11 points
T7Steve's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:35 pm

All the Packers actually need is some help in cap relief. If they don't get it they're at least use to being strapped.

People need to get over the Packers having to throw away a season. I think they can contend in a very weak NFC. Even the AFC powerhouses looked weaker by the time they were in the post-season. Just a couple teams to beat in both. The toughest team the Packers have to face in the NFC North is themselves. They're their toughest challenge. They tend to beat themselves in management and play.

0 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:55 pm

Steve, I totally agree with you we can contend this season with Jordan Love at QB1, as long as he’s able to stay healthy, as well as the rest of our team for 2023.

Barring a star having an unexpected camp injury, this will be a different looking, young, dynamic Packers team. One that I feel will surprise many.

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:37 pm

I'm more worried about the coaching than I am the team.

Just saying.

I haven't really heard one thing about Jordan Love's personal life. Idk what he does besides football, but I can't imagine it isn't all football 24/7 with him. Maybe video games?

With the progress he's seems to have made since the season before, I have a feeling Tom Clements has been good for him along with his private QB coach... Knowing he'll be the starter this season, seems like he'd be working pretty hard on his strengths and weaknesses...

Could be a very fun season. Not too much pressure, not very high expectations, except from his coaches and himself. (Maybe some fans.)

Hope we get this trade finished up and have a good draft. Really looking forward to seeing the kid sling it...

0 points
T7Steve's picture

March 21, 2023 at 07:50 am

GG and BD, the problems have always been about the coaching as far as I'm concerned. A guy's going to miss an assignment every now and then. The TEAM is supposed to make up for that. They're supposed to be held accountable for their mistakes, so they learn from them.

They haven't been held accountable by their coaches, because their coaches haven't been held accountable.

If someone's finger hurt, who held him accountable?

I'm excited that this will change now. A clean slate where you only have to worry about pleasing the boss not someone who's supposed to be working under/with you.

It may sound like it, but I don't believe this was Rodgers fault. It's something that would happen any time a new boss/supervisor takes over a well-established crew.

Now, almost everyone has been hired by the new establishment.

1 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:59 pm

I disagree - that if the Packers get nothing for him they'll be ok. They will have to accept it but for Gutekunst to walk away empty- handed - without any draft picks - will be a failure for him.

4 points
Johnblood27's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:32 pm


dont trade Rodgers to the Jets.

Wait for Saleh to get canned.

Hire him immediately and the Packers are immensely better.

Problem solved! You're welcome!

6 points
CheesePuff's picture

March 21, 2023 at 09:42 am

If Saleh does end up looking for a new job, maybe one will open up in the NFC North. One can only hope.

1 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:10 pm

GB doesn't "need" to get something for Rodgers. They never did. There was a real possibility that he would retire; in which case they would have gotten nothing anyway. I think they actually hoped for that. But if he wants to play, and the Jets boxed themselves into a corner by waiting for #12 to decide and without talking compensation, then any compensation is just a bonus to GB at this point.

For the Jets, they NEED a QB and more than one if they don't want to have a wasted season with a great new coach and some real talent on the roster.

GB was never going to get anything if Rodgers retired, so just wait out the Jets to get what they think a 4 x MVP is worth.

7 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2023 at 11:36 pm

As a Jets fan explained to me this weekend, “when you’ve been bad this long, what’s one more year?”

The Packers are playing with house money. They’re fine at QB without him. Whatever we get for him is gravy, and we don’t have to exercise his option, or do anything, until September. If the Jets don’t seal the deal prior to the draft, other teams might get involved and that drives the price up. So there’s no real pressure point until the draft.

1 points
barutanseijin's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:52 pm

The Packers got 15 years of starting QB play out of Rodgers. He’s not in their c plans for next year.

Wilson got benched and the other players hate him. They need a quarterback.

2 points
mnbadger's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:24 pm

I certainly hope you're correct, but as a GBPkr fan, I feel there's plenty of pressure on us as well. I just hope this gets done reasonably soon for the benefit of all sides.
I'm not the GM and have no idea what's been offered.
This may be one time I back down a touch and take whatever the best offer is on the table. For the benefit of the Green Bay Packers.
One in the hand vs two, or more, or nothing in the bush IMO.

-2 points
stockholder's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:28 pm

Let's just get rid of Murphy.
As a stockholder I vote;" No confidence"

9 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:40 pm

Maybe as part of the trade for Rodgers - Murphy is exiled to Elba by the Board.

11 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:12 pm

You're not the only stockholder here, Mister! And, I agree!


6 points
ricky's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:28 pm

The Jets may not have a lot of leverage, but Rodgers does. He could simply retire. If he did that before June 1, it would mean a $40 million cap hit for the Packers. After June 1, they could spread it over two years. Whoever agreed to that contract should explain their thinking, because it reeks of fear and desperation. And very poor planning by the front office people.

13 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:20 pm

Thats fine. Would actually benefit their salary cap more than if they trade him.

6 points
Coldworld's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:35 pm

He could just do a Favre. A nice neat formal retirement isn’t the problem.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:37 pm

The best option for Packers is if ACR retire. All other void years by new contract will be off the books, so no dead money for 2024 and 2025.

Also that 60 mill $ people talk about as 2023 salary is basically option bonus, that Packers do not need to confirm till the 1st week of 2023 season (September, 2023) and if they do not, there is no 60 mill $ for ACR, as far as I understand the narrative. Also, if they trade him after June, 1st they will have lower cap hit because they would be able to spread money through 2023 & 2024 cap.

Now, the only question is what will Jets do. To be honest I would accept several Jets draft picks with the value of mid round 1st round pick (like 2nd, 3rd and either 4th or 5th) this season draft and 4th conditional round pick for 2024 draft. If they make play off and win Divisional round, it become 3rd, if they play AFCCG it will become 2nd and if they play at SB it will be 1st round pick (not higher than 31st 1 round pick). This would be my offer and, depends on what Jets are willing to give maybe exchange that 4th or 5th round pick this year for player at the position of need.

I'm looking at this negotiations like something that should be beneficial for Jets and Packers. I would not be under pressure that it must be 1st rounder if Jets would be so unwilling to trade that 1st rounder. There is the way you can say - OK you have this on table w/o 1st rounder, but additional draft picks with the value of our 1st rounder. If you want to close the deal, swap 1st rounders (13th to Packers - 15th to Jets) and proposed second day picks and 3rd day pick or player, which we will evaluate what is better for us. Add there conditional pick next year by formula we gave you and you can say you win in this negotiations.


2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:24 pm

With the cap relief benefits of a Rodgers retirement - it is thought provoking as to what is best for the Packers - his trade or his retirement? As you have outlined the answer may not be as clear it seems. My first thought is that either is a positive outcome for the Packers - being a cap space vs draft picks debate.

Also your various trade suggestions demonstrate that there are options for a creative and sophisticated trade package - which will take time - especially between 2 experienced negotiators.

3 points
4thand10's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:32 pm

I’d be firm on 1 first round pick. Who are they gonna get that will get them to the dance? And they inked Lazard, that’s a lot of money to pay a #2/#3 WR. I say the packers hold the cards.

5 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:05 pm

Would you accept an exchange of firsts (13 for 15) plus Jets 2nd - 43 overall?

-4 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:56 pm

Hell no...

If I were Gutey, I wouldn't trade him for anything less than 13, 43, and at least a 2nd that goes to a 1st if they win the Super Bowl...

Murphy may be an idiot, but Gutey isn't... (Well, not to the degree Murphy is, anyway...)

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:44 pm

I definitely agree about Gutey vs. Murphy. My question was more to see if there was a consensus about a return for Rodgers - while also putting it out that we may be underwhelmed by it.

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:05 pm

If Gutey makes a deal, we won't be too underwhelmed. Gutey isn't a 1st year rube GM. He may not be the best, but he's not going to give AR away.

If the Jets really want AR, then they'll have to pay market price, not wholesale.

Jets GM is rather new, (4th year) so he doesn't want to over-pay and look like a rube. He already looks like a fool for drafting Darnold and Wilson, so he wants to get this right.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 09:10 pm

Good point about the Jets GM. His past performance record implies that he should not totally trust his decision-making. Also he probably has Woody Johnson looking over his shoulder. Maybe experiencing a little extra stress perspiration these days?

0 points
bullsa21's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:51 pm

Flop our #15 for their #13, Then a second this year with a second or third next year based on playing and playing time looks like a fair deal to me. As none of the experts have suggested flopping our picks....time to get this done. OH by the way I just heard Love is gathering the troops to workout together! ..huh?

-1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:06 pm

You must be a Jet's fan...

-1 points
Thegreatreynoldo's picture

March 21, 2023 at 04:03 am

The best option for GB is a trade. With a trade, GB gets no dead money in 2024 or later and a first and a second round pick.

1 points
GregC's picture

March 21, 2023 at 07:08 am

Rodgers' option to retire is not what I would call leverage. He doesn't want to retire. He wants to play. So if he retires, he loses, along with both the Jets and the Packers.

1 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:35 pm

The Packers have Aaron Rodgers under contract, and that's the leverage.

At a wedding over the weekend, I got to speak with a hardcore Jets fan, and he's pretty sure they'll find a way to screw this up, just like they've screwed things up for 50 years.

If the deal doesn't get done before the draft, there are going to be teams out there that realize they can get Aaron Rodgers for a pick in next year's draft. I mean, the #13 pick is something, but a first round next year is a long way away.

Or he can retire. Either way, the Jets have a great opportunity to put a really good team on the field this year, and they're going to screw it up.

8 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:45 pm

Here's hoping they don't screw it up and both teams come together to close out an amicable deal.

7 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:21 pm

I kinda hope the jets screw it up just to make Rodgers miserable. Hes the king of spite and pettiness but why does he get to have all the fun?

3 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:23 pm

LOL. He's riding supreme douche game. That's for sure.

-3 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 21, 2023 at 08:01 am

That post surprised me from you but made me laugh! Thanks!

0 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:52 pm

If a deal does not get done - a pox on both houses. Although I can understand a Jets fan's pessimism after decades of football and management ineptitude. Also the Packers brain trust soiled the bed last year by not trading Rodgers - so can 2 negatives now make a positive?

5 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:13 pm

The Jets already screwed it up by saying they wanted Rodgers and meeting with him without ever finding out what GB would want in compensation. They already messed it up badly. They basically set it up to have to give GB whatever they want or look like idiots and not get a deal for the one guy then went after for the position.

6 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:37 pm

Who has the greatest leverage? Rodgers. He could simply retire and both fan bases would be left deflated. Except I'm convinced that Rodgers has mentally shifted to playing this year (he often stated that he wanted to play until 40). In the meantime, we have the NY fans who are largely in heat for Rodgers and Packers fans who are a little giddy for the new kid on the block. Therefore it behooves both GMs to make a deal. While there may be some urgency for Packers to make a trade before the draft - likewise for the Jets - sooner may be better than later - for reasons of NY public and Jets fan relations. Also to keep Woody Johnson's blood pressure in check.

9 points
Tekraut17's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:46 pm

Why would GB fan bases be left deflated if AR retires? We still would have Love? We already know that we can't play both of them. Yes we'd take a financial hit but we're going to take one anyway, it's just a matter of how much. Now NY fans should feel deflated if he retires as they have no back-up plan that doesn't involve inferior QB's.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:07 pm

The opportunity cost if Rodgers retires - no additional draft picks - which I think would be deflating - not only to Gutekunst but many fans as well.

3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:15 pm

That's what happens when players retire. You don't have to get compensation for a guy at the end of his career. Getting 18 years and a Hall of Fame career, a Lombardi title and massive volume of wins is plenty to get in return for a #24 draft pick.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:33 pm

It may even be best for the long-term interest of the team if Rodgers retires. However it is a moot point for now - as all parties have confirmed their interests for a trade.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:05 pm

Totally agree with you here, Alberta!

The Jets Offense does have a new system to learn. Having AR there for the minicamps (running what will amount to being both his and Hackett's new scheme) with Lazard and whomever else AR's able to bring along would be huge for the Jets' goals of winning it all. Getting that earliest jump on the season feeling confident in what they are doing would be a smart move.

I'm sure there is a part of AR who wants to get to know the players he'll be trying to guide to a championship asap as well. Think how much he's looking forward to throwing to Garrett Wilson...

I think the deal gets done about an hour or less prior to the start of the draft, Thursday, April 27th.

Too much for both teams to lose by waiting for June 2nd, and they'll meet in the middle on a blockbuster.

2 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:14 pm

Now gg, I have been looking for your prediction on what that trade could look like? I remember you were all over the Rodgers to Denver trade last year - which many of us believed should have happened. So...?

2 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:02 pm

Alberta, I look at there being many possible moving pieces.

Ultimately, I'd take the #13 overall, outright, plus a 2024 R2 and the Jets 2025 R1 in exchange for Aaron Rodgers. I find that to be fair. Extremely so. That's in the "fair market value" wheelhouse. Keep in mind that 2025 R1 carries with it a far lesser value two years out, but, it gives the Jets a little wiggle room next year, and should still be of value to the Packers. The Jets wind up keeping their R1 in 2024. No contingencies.

This is with the superfluous "1 year rental" discourse removed from the discussion, keeping it straightforward & easy. Remember, it's the Jets going "all-in" this year. The Packers are merely facilitators as trading partners in good faith. The above terms are less than both the Wilson and the Stafford deals. Fair conditions that should move this along swiftly.

I'm 100% certain the two teams have been discussing AR trade parameters for over two years now. There's a comfort level between the two, and an immediacy both share to get this trade done.

Both sides can walk away saying they got something of great value in the trade, which is paramount in any good deal.

I'd also accept EDGE Jermaine Johnson instead of that 2024 R2.

I'm also of the mindset Bakhtiari is packaged along with AR. I'd accept the Jets 2023 R2 #43 in exchange for him. It wouldn't surprise me if there is another Packers OG added to the final trade package.

I think this winds up being the "monster blockbuster trade," Trey Wingo originally said it would be. He didn't pull that out of thin air.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:59 pm

Wow - a lot to think about! I imagine that the GMs are doing exactly that right now - with numerous back and forth. Frankly, I would be thrilled with your proposed return(s) - especially as you have reasonably compared it to the Wilson and Stafford deals. Also your mention of Bakhtiari in a trade cannot be overlooked. It would be so Rodgers-ish if he was part of the trade.

For me, there is one wild card which could bring this all to fruition - "Woody Johnson." You have a 75 yr. old billionaire and businessman who seems to be enamored with Rodgers as a franchise changer. I would never underestimate the impact of an "involved" owner with regards to football decisions.

3 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 05:12 pm


I’m not wanting to trade Bakhtiari. I love the guy, but like you, it would be so on brand for AR. Figure, the day Bak signed his insanely trade friendly extension two Fridays ago, that’s when AR said he made his decision to play for the Jets.

To me, that says it’s already a foregone conclusion. Bak will be a Jet too. That means the overall trade package gets bigger.

Add 13 & 43 into your dream mock draft scenarios, as I think that’s highly likely how this will work out.

As mentioned, I suspect there will be yet another player added to the trade mix. Unprecedented trade in today’s NFL. This next month and a half will require a lot of work by both teams to close this deal.

*If things stay really quiet, I think that’s pointing towards the deal happening. If we hear chirping from Murphy, the deal’s likely hit a snag.

Jets know they’ll have to pay now, and later, but they’ll have gotten exactly what they need - and - are set up for specifically to contend legitimately for the 2023 and 2024 season Super Bowls.

By same token, we’ll make out well in this if we come anywhere close to fair market value.

0 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:18 pm

Too bad we can't trade them with a June designation, that'd be cool.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:40 pm

I would hope that the OG is Hanson or Newman...

1 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:19 pm


1 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:22 pm

Speak for yourself. I wouldnt be deflated. Him not being our qb anymore is enough of a win for me. Any compensation the team receives for him is a bonus in my eyes.

-2 points
greengold's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:42 pm

ow. Rex, I just read you're a lifelong Packer fan in the heart of Dallas. Not an easy ride there, but, Packer fans are everywhere. Spent a lot of time in Dallas, myself.

Nice breakdown of how things stand. Thanks, man!

ps. Do you go to Angry Dog in Deep Ellum? Best chili dog on the planet Earth. If you haven't, I'd run straight out the door pronto! You'll know when you get in there.

5 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 12:46 pm

"Murphy said that the Packers wanted to create a situation that was a win-win for both the team and Aaron Rodgers."

If they can't get a trade done (which I think they will), what are the options that would create a win win for both sides?. it would be ridiculous at this point to bring Rodgers back, that ship has sailed. That leaves only retirement as an option. How is that a win for Rodgers if he doesn't want to retire? Rodgers says pay me, and they release him. How's that a win for the Packers ?

At that point, if both sides want to part as friends, agree to rip up the contract and let Rodgers become a free agent. Packers have the same dead cap hit they would have had. Rodgers gets to be a free agent. Win Win. There you go, problem solved : )

-5 points
The_Baloney_Stops_Here's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:25 pm

I think youre looking too deep into it. This is simple economics. Jets have a serious need for something and the Packers have a surplus of that something. Supply and demand.

3 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:52 pm

Economics by nature is complex. And this potential trade has several financial impediments that make for an atypical compensation package - if at all.

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:09 pm

RTS. I'm not saying it won't get done, I think it will. I was addressing the situation that would be facing the Packers in the unlikely, but not without possibility, event that it doesn't.

0 points
murf7777's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:50 pm

The supply isn't that the Packers have a surplus, it's that the supply of great QB's is very low in the NFL. The demand for great QB's is also high. The Packers have the leverage if the Jets truly want a high end QB for this year. Of course, age and the huge contract are a determent. I have no idea what the market value is, that will only be determined when the deal is done, whether that be with the Jets or some other team.

2 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:06 pm

Rodgers is a luxury good in economics terms. Different pricing scheme.

1 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:17 pm

It's not a win for GB if Rodgers keeps playing and they get nothing in trade. There's no winning in that at all for GB.

3 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:27 pm

WestCoast, The scenario applies to a situation where Rodgers trade doesn't occur. Will that happen? Probably not, but it isn't out of the realm of possibility. If the trade were to fall apart there would be no trade compensation.

0 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:14 pm

He might be back as back up. He will not have to go through early teams activities, neither the Packers pick that option bonus.

Will he be offended? Sure. But if he came with his decision earlier, he might be in much better position to continue to play.

-1 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:18 pm

Lol. I'm all for Rodgers coming back to compete against Jordan. I think Rodgers would welcome that challenge, and hopefully Jordan would too. May the best man win. If Jordan can beat him out, ARs a heck of a backup. What happens if Rodgers beats Love out? how would you feel about that?

I think you we can agree that the "back to the Pack" option isn't happening. It's time to move on.

-1 points
KnockTheSnotOutOfYou's picture

March 21, 2023 at 08:14 am

There is also the issue of do you want to lose Love, and what will be 4 years of investment in him?

Frankly, I feel very comfortable stating if there was a competition and all biases put aside Love is going to win hands down. Love has a strong arm, knows the offense, will run the offense, and has better feet. There is a part of me that would love to see a direct competition to confirm I'm right, however I'd prefer compensation instead. :)

0 points
MainePackFan's picture

March 21, 2023 at 04:54 pm

It was hypothetical. The point was in reference to Murphy's win win statement that Ken quoted, and how that would be possible the trade didn't happen.

"There is a part of me that would love to see a direct competition"

Never going to happen, but it would be fun : )

0 points
Coldworld's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:03 pm

We’re this pre extension then yes, but since everyone knows what’s in that and we now know that both Rodgers and the world know that the Packers don’t want him back and can’t get rid of him without significant penalty, I think our position a lot weaker than you think. The comments may have stoked irritation perhaps but Murphy’s extension is the real problem.

8 points
murf7777's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:54 pm

CW, I think both parties have a BIG need and leverage is fairly neutral. A deal will get done if both parties compromise because it's obvious, they are in a stalemate.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

March 20, 2023 at 05:07 pm

I think you are dead on. The wild card is patience.

1 points
Eeeen's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:43 pm

Packers have leverage now. The longer it drags out that slowly moves to the Jets. If it goes past draft day it becomes all Jets leverage. Packers don't have anyone else to negotiate with, owe Rodgers $60 million in cash and can't really let him back in the building without jeopardizing Jordan Love's ability to lead the team going forward. You would almost have to pay him $60 million to stay home if you can't trade him.

1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:16 pm

Let the Tiger come to the Mountain.

0 points
wildbill's picture

March 20, 2023 at 01:52 pm

Kizer 2.0, hahahaha, let the circus begin

-7 points
Untylu1968's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:23 pm

Welcome, clown...

6 points
marpag1's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:18 pm

TOMORROW'S HEADLINES: "Revisiting the already revisited comments of Mark Murphy, Part Deux - Is everything still the same as yesterday?"

10 points
joefan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:52 pm

I think considering all factors neither team has significant leverage. The Packers may have more leverage if they are okay trading Rodgers post June because then they can wait out the whole off season. But there are big drawbacks for a post June trade like no draft picks for 2023 and Rodgers dead cap spreads out over 2023 and 2024. I always thought that the Packers would prefer 2023 picks and a clean slate for 2024. But maybe they don't? It's hard to say because no one knows what their plan is. To me the 2023 pre-draft trade of Rodgers seems like the most preferable option but that also means less leverage for the Packers because that's only one month away.

They could still make a trade with the Jets after the draft but then that means the draft picks will be for 2024 and they could be picking 20-32 in the draft. But maybe that's ok since the Jets are unlikely to trade their current 13th overall pick anyway.

I think the benefit of having all the dead cap gone in 2024 plus some draft picks for 2023 (maybe not a 1st round) is better than chasing a 1st round pick.

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

March 20, 2023 at 02:56 pm

Anyone else read the word leverage and simultaneously hear their high school wrestling coach yelling "you're too high!"?

4 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:11 pm

In appreciation of my high school wrestling days.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:01 pm

Packers are moving on to the Jordan Love era.
Rodgers agrees his time is over in Green Bay.
Rodgers now wants to play for the Jets, after 90% certain he was going to retire.
The Packers and Jets are negotiating the price of the trade.

Packers unknowns:
Have the Jets cooled on Rodgers?
Are the Jets talking to another team...Baltimore for example?
Is the Jets current price firm...or are they playing chicken?
Has Rodgers agreed to renegotiate a less costly deal with the Jets?

Jets unknowns:
Is Rodgers open to playing for a team not the Jets? NE, Baltimore, SF?
Have the Packers talked to other NFL teams? Prices discussed?
Is the Packers price firm...or are they playing chicken?
Are the Packers prepared to hold tight until June 1...or later? (QBs do get injured prior to the trade deadline.)

I am sure I missed some, but the Jets unknowns tip the leverage to the Packers.

5 points
Alberta_Packer's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:13 pm

All of which makes for good debate and discussions.

3 points
golfpacker1's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:18 pm

I want this saga to be over soon but would not be surprised if it takes another 3 weeks. Its too early for one team to just give in to the other teams demands or offers. To everyone who says the Jets have the leverage, I'm sorry but you are dead wrong. The Packers have the advantage because:

The Packers have the leverage in this deal because:
The Jets are all in.
The Jets have a playoff roster right now IF they have a good QB. THEY DON'T
The Jets Fans will revolt if they don't complete the deal. Don't underestimate the power of the season ticket.
The Jets have no other QB options.
Green Bay has the Golden Ticket-Aaron Rodgers.
Rodgers has said he wants to play for the Jets.
The Jets signed Allen Lazard, they didn't need him but they will do anything for Rodgers.
The Packers would love to trade Rodgers and be compensated, BUT they don't have to trade him.
The Packers gain finacially either way. The trade would benefit both teams.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:29 pm

I just saw that Jordan Love is with Aaron Jones, Watson and Doubs in California and that they will working on timing.

4 points
LambeauPlain's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:33 pm

Did Rodgers stop by?

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 20, 2023 at 04:24 pm

That was no info on ACR.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

March 20, 2023 at 03:40 pm

As far as compensation for Rodgers goes-I haven't read or heard anywhere that Green Bay will only get a 4th round pick. The phone would be hung up and not answered for a week to make the Jets shit their pants.

While I would love to have 2 first round picks and alot more like we could have got last year, I might be inclined to trade for multiple 2nd round picks, maybe a couple mid round picks and some players. I like the idea of Jermaine Johnson coming back along with Jeremy Ruckert and either Denzell Mims or Jordan Whitehead. Or both. Including players in the trade doesn't hurt the Jets as much especially if they are not starters or just not as valuable. Since we wouldn't be getting 1st round pick we need more compensation as value. Thats seems like a fair trade or at least a starting trade demand for a Hall of Fame QB who still has alot left in the tank. As far as Rodgers being a "Rental", he is pissed at the Packers and is going to try to show us we nade a bad choice. I think he is wrong but if it makes him play another 2-3 years who cares.

Again I think we deserve multiple 1st rounders in this trade but 2nd round picks are only slightly less valuable and come with lower contract salaries for pretty much the same level of players. Picks and players-get it done.

3 points
BoHunter's picture

March 20, 2023 at 05:04 pm

Stare down the gun barrel and don’t even blink until you get a First Rd pick Gutey. You will forever be handcuffed to this deal along with picking JLO ❤️😀 💪🏾 ! Don’t let the Jets and the QB who tried to get you fired laugh at you for years to come ! Make us believe
In Gutekunst We Trust ! GO PACK GO !

-1 points
Cheesenwine's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:07 pm

Totally disagree! The Jet's can say the week before the Draft that they will trade for Matt Stafford or draft a QB. What are the Packers gonna do then? They will be left holding the bag!

-3 points
Leatherhead's picture

March 20, 2023 at 09:01 pm

Because nobody else would be interested in adding Aaron Rodgers to their 2023 team when it doesn’t cost them anything until 2024.

If the Jets don’t close the deal before the draft, other teams will start to get involved.

1 points
Cheesenwine's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:07 pm

Totally disagree! The Jet's can say the week before the Draft that they will trade for Matt Stafford or draft a QB. What are the Packers gonna do then? They will be left holding the bag!

-3 points
Cheesenwine's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:07 pm

Totally disagree! The Jet's can say the week before the Draft that they will trade for Matt Stafford or draft a QB. What are the Packers gonna do then? They will be left holding the bag!

-3 points
Vachio's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:07 pm

I expect the parameters are already in place and they have a wink-nod agreement to do the trade after June 1st. That's the biggest win-win for everyone around. The Packers get draft capital in a draft that will be better stocked with positions in which they need help plus they get better cap help for trading Rodgers post June 1. The Jets get to keep the high picks this year and hope the picks in 2024 are lower thanks to Rodgers playing lights out. Rodgers can skip the early offseason work and still make an impact if he returns to MVP form.

-1 points
Byronleemarley's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:24 pm

Maybe it's just me, but the answer he gave as to whether there's any scenario where Rodgers is QB1 sounds like he WANTS Rodgers to be the QB1.
People should reread his answer. He didn't say "if" things don't work out the way they want them, he said "unless." That completely changed the meaning of the sentence.
To put it simply: Q: "Is Rodgers going to be your QB1?"
A: "Yes, IF things don't work out the way
we want (he'll be our QB1.")
That means he'll only be their starter IF things don't work out the way they want, which would be him leaving. But he didn't say IF, he said UNLESS.
Q: "Is Rodgers going to be your QB1?"
A: "Yes, UNLESS things don't work out
way we want (then he won't be our
That means he'll be their QB1 UNLESS things don't work out the way they want. That means that the only way he won't be their QB1 is if something happens that they don't want, which would be him leaving.

In the first scenario (with if), they want him to leave.
In the second one (with unless), they DON'T WANT him to leave.
He used UNLESS, not IF.
Ergo, they want him to stay!!!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

March 20, 2023 at 06:50 pm

OK Bill Clinton...

2 points
BirdDogUni's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:24 pm

"I did not have sexual relations on that jet."

3 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:34 pm


You are exactly correct - if you listen to the interview Murphy is saying that Rodgers will be back as the Packers STARTING quarterback in 2023 UNLESS we don't we don't get what we want.


And Jordan Love seems like a nice kid, but what is the basis for the confidence he is not Don Horn or Jerry Tagge or Rich Campbell, former Packer 1st round drafted QB's who all failed.

Jordan appears to be better than Brett Hundley, but we have not seen anything as to how Jordan plays when the opposing team know Jordan is starting - all we have is the Chiefs game that Jordan started and what did the Packers score?

Rodgers is being grossly undervalued by the 31 billionaire NFL owners' Sports illustrated/ESPN/NFL Network/NBC Pro Football Talk/CBS/etc. wage slave/talking heads who are given their script by the collective revenue maximizing 31 Billionaire owners who share television revenues equally along with the Packers and maximizing revenue requires:

A) New York, the largest television viewing market in the world, to have maximum clicks and viewership


B) parity league wide

thus Rodgers to the Jets - and its New York television market - is a Billionaire Owner Revenue/Profit maximizing move and their scripted wage slave/talking heads are out there working to make this trade as cheap as possible to get the Jets winning again and Jets & New York television viewership of the Jets up again.

If you cancel the Seattle 4th round pick against the Denver 5th round pick, Russell Wilson was traded for 6 players - the 9th (2022), 5th (2023), 40th (2022), 37th (2023) picks in the NFL Draft - all unconditional draft picks - and a young solid starting tight end (Noah Fant, the 20th pick in the 2019 draft) and a starting defensive end (Shelby Harris) - 6 players who will be Seattle starters and 2 of which (5th and 9th pick) will probably be all pros - for Russell Wilson.

And the 31 billionaire NFL owners' Sports illustrated wage slave/talking heads said the Jets would give us what?

43rd overall pick this year and a conditional pick in 2024? Nuts. A 13th pick in the first round is also nuts - try a first and second in 2023 and first and second in 2024 and a couple starters.

Over Rodgers 15 years as a starter Green Bay has been in 5 NFC Championship games, more than any other NFC team, all of whom have had multiple quarterbacks, and in 21 playoff games, more than any other NFC team and their multiple quarterbacks.

Green Bay fans younger than 40 don't remember the 1968 through 1991 seasons when the Packers were in the playoffs just 2 times in 23 years - 1972 and strike shortened 1982, with a long list of poor quarterbacks. Dickey and Majik being solid but injured and Whitehurst being pretty good, but the rest - pretty bad.

Aaron last year played with broken thumb from the Giants game onwards and a rotating offensive line and rotating and injured new wide receivers had 41 drops - including 5 drops in the pivotal last playoff determining Lion game - relative to 15 drops in 2021 when Davante Adams led the team in drops with only 3 in 169 targets! Add 26 completions (41 minus 15) and Rodgers - even with the broken thumb and rotating offensive line - is at the top of the QB stats and the Packers are in the playoffs.
Look at the Wilson and Stafford trades and think Tom Brady playing at top level thru age 45.because that is exactly what Aaron Rodgers will do.

The Packers trading Rodgers at all is terrible for the Packers from both a 1) human perspective and 2) pure winning football perspective, but if the Packers management makes this horrible mistake they should get as much as Seattle and Detroit received for Wilson and Stafford and MORE.

1 points
croatpackfan's picture

March 21, 2023 at 01:58 am

Can you explain on what bases you claim that Jordan Love can not be future HOFer.

It will be interesting to get that answer.

Because I can smell extreme odor of fear in your post.

Tell me what is your reason for keeping ACR. He got 12 opportunities to win another SB and he failed. Why you think that he can win now when he showed that he is not able to read complete field anymore and he is much slower and every year there are more inaccurate passes left his hand.

Yes, they will bring him back if they were not able to close the deal, but as backup to new star on the Packers. Or he will retire, or they will trade him to another franchize after June, 1st this year.

There is so many opportunities. For example, Panthers might be good option for back up deal. They will draft young QB and maybe they would like to give him year or two to get to the NFL level.

SF are also not out of competition. Atlanta? Hmmm. Also one possible trade destination. Lets go to AFC. Titans, Steelers?

They are not at competition at the moment, because ACR said he wants to go to Jets. But if the deal fail, who knows. And if somebody took Lamar, Ravens'll surely need veteran QB.

So, why do you think Jordan Love will suck?

And, if they trade Jordan, and he become HOFer (that is also possibility), I can see you posting here how Packers have (or had) terrible FO.

Hopefully, I'll be here to remind you on this post you posted: How you claim that it is better to have 40 years old QB in decline and overpaid with very restricted SC. And how you do not know nothing about business. And NFL is entertainment industry business.

EDIT: Also, both of those 2 QBs are at what age compared to ACR. And they also have 1 SB in their summary.

0 points
CheeseEdWest2's picture

March 20, 2023 at 10:06 pm

Yeah, a former NFL player who probably took a lot of head shots...i wouldn't be making bank on which preposition he used in an interview.

3 points
CheeseEdWest2's picture

March 20, 2023 at 10:11 pm

Yeah, a former NFL player who probably took a lot of head shots...i wouldn't be making bank on which preposition he used in an interview.

0 points
StarrtoRodgers's picture

March 20, 2023 at 07:40 pm

If you listen to the interview, Murphy is saying that Rodgers will be back as the Packers STARTING quarterback in 2023 UNLESS we don't we don't get what we want.


And Jordan Love seems like a nice kid, but what is the basis for the confidence he is not Don Horn or Jerry Tagge or Rich Campbell, former Packer 1st round drafted QB's who all failed.

Jordan appears to be better than Brett Hundley, but we have not seen anything as to how Jordan plays when the opposing team know Jordan is starting - all we have is the Chiefs game that Jordan started and what did the Packers score?

Rodgers is being grossly undervalued by the 31 billionaire NFL owners' Sports illustrated/ESPN/NFL Network/NBC Pro Football Talk/CBS/etc. wage slave/talking heads who are given their script by the collective revenue maximizing 31 Billionaire owners who share television revenues equally along with the Packers and maximizing revenue requires:

A) New York, the largest television viewing market in the world, to have maximum clicks and viewership


B) parity league wide

thus Rodgers to the Jets - and its New York television market - is a Billionaire Owner Revenue/Profit maximizing move and their scripted wage slave/talking heads are out there working to make this trade as cheap as possible to get the Jets winning again and Jets & New York television viewership of the Jets up again.

If you cancel the Seattle 4th round pick against the Denver 5th round pick, Russell Wilson was traded for 6 players - the 9th (2022), 5th (2023), 40th (2022), 37th (2023) picks in the NFL Draft - all unconditional draft picks - and a young solid starting tight end (Noah Fant, the 20th pick in the 2019 draft) and a starting defensive end (Shelby Harris) - 6 players who will be Seattle starters and 2 of which (5th and 9th pick) will probably be all pros - for Russell Wilson.

And the 31 billionaire NFL owners' Sports illustrated wage slave/talking heads said the Jets would give us what?

43rd overall pick this year and a conditional pick in 2024? Nuts. A 13th pick in the first round is also nuts - try a first and second in 2023 and first and second in 2024 and a couple starters.

Over Rodgers 15 years as a starter Green Bay has been in 5 NFC Championship games, more than any other NFC team, all of whom have had multiple quarterbacks, and in 21 playoff games, more than any other NFC team and their multiple quarterbacks.

Green Bay fans younger than 40 don't remember the 1968 through 1991 seasons when the Packers were in the playoffs just 2 times in 23 years - 1972 and strike shortened 1982, with a long list of poor quarterbacks. Dickey and Majik being solid but injured and Whitehurst being pretty good, but the rest - pretty bad.

Aaron last year played with broken thumb from the Giants game onwards and a rotating offensive line and rotating and injured new wide receivers had 41 drops - including 5 drops in the pivotal last playoff determining Lion game - relative to 15 drops in 2021 when Davante Adams led the team in drops with only 3 in 169 targets! Add 26 completions (41 minus 15) and Rodgers - even with the broken thumb and rotating offensive line - is at the top of the QB stats and the Packers are in the playoffs.
Look at the Wilson and Stafford trades and think Tom Brady playing at top level thru age 45.because that is exactly what Aaron Rodgers will do.

The Packers trading Rodgers at all is terrible for the Packers from both a 1) human perspective and 2) pure winning football perspective, but if the Packers management makes this horrible mistake they should get as much as Seattle and Detroit received for Wilson and Stafford and MORE.

0 points
golfpacker1's picture

March 21, 2023 at 09:37 am

Matt Staffford is damaged goods and its his throwing arm that is damaged. No the Jets would not want him as he is as expensive as Rodgers and not healthy. I also read the Rams just gave him his roster bonus and would not trade him now because it does them no good.
The Jets want and need Rodgers and thats 2 reasons Green Bay has the leverage in this trade. Also because they have no other viable options. Do you think they want to roll with Teddy Bridgewater or Trevor Simeon? No because they feel they have at the least a playoff roster right now.
The deal will get done and I think it will involve more players. Maybe even Bahktiari from us. That would help the cap space. Coming back from the Jets we should ask for Jermaine Johnson if we don't get #13 back along with 2 picks next year. Either way we should demand Jeremy Ruckert-TE, Denzel Mims-WR, and Elijah Moore-WR.
Those 3 are on cheap contracts and would fill 3 hole in the roster plus not having to take a WR early in draft. There is plenty of late WR talent available.

0 points