Pack-A-Day Podcast - Episode 2107 - Deep Dive Scouting Report - Edgerrin Cooper

On today's show, Andy takes a much closer look at the Packers' 2nd round pick - Edgerrin Cooper and what he'll bring to the Packers. Don't miss it!

On today's show, Andy takes a much closer look at the Packers' 2nd round pick - Edgerrin Cooper and what he'll bring to the Packers. Don't miss it!





Andy is a graduate of UW-Oshkosh and owns & operates the Pack-A-Day Podcast. Andy has taken multiple courses in NFL scouting and is an Editor for Packer Report. Andy grew up in Green Bay and is a lifelong season ticket holder - follow him on Twitter @AndyHermanNFL!


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greengold's picture

May 05, 2024 at 11:16 am

It's that EXPLOSIVE, INSTINCTIVE SPEED... it's "not normal!" Indeed. "Sorts through the muck," EFFORTLESSLY, and WITH INSANE SPEED.

Fantastic points, Andy. It's not just the speed itself, but, speed with -all- the goods. That's why I felt Edgerrin Cooper was a TOP NEED pick for the Packers, and I was so very happy he survived to us after the trade down.

I'm not worried at all about his avoidance of blocks, because he has the unique tools to recover with these unique speed gifts to arrive at the impact point to finish a play. Sometimes, engaging with a blocker is limiting yourself and your options as a player in stopping plays. I like that tendency, actually. Edgerrin Cooper plays the ball, and arrives to make impactful plays.

Agree his play speed can seem like a detriment at times in overrunning plays, but, he's got the gifts to develop those tendencies into disciplined, team play. He'll learn that he's got an immense number of finishers surrounding him, and won't have to "hero ball," as you mentioned.

Tackling techniques can be developed over time, but, again, with an "ALL HATS ON THE BALL," kind of mentality, he and others with like characteristics (ie: Ty'Ron Hopper) should improve with better coaching, and will realize some of these baller Safeties we've also recently added with be there with bells on to assist in shutting run plays down.

Edgerrin Cooper was the one player in this draft I felt the Green Bay Packers needed, maybe more than any other to improve on D.

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