Cory's Corner: Competition At Kicker Is A Great Thing

After missing five extra points last season, Anders Carlson needs to be pushed. 

Anders Carlson was probably the most polarizing figure on the Packers last year. Every time he lined up for an extra point, fingernails hit the floor. 

Carlson was drafted in the sixth round of the 2023 NFL Draft. Many, including myself, were surprised that they took a kicker in the draft instead of waiting and picking up someone as an undrafted rookie free agent. 

Last season, Carlson missed five extra points. The strong legged kicker was also 7-for-13 from 40-plus yards. 

It got so bad last year that even in obvious kicking situations, Packers coach Matt LaFleur had a decision to make. The Packers had a fresh rookie kicker with a strong leg and had to think twice about using him. That’s like buying a brand new car and taking the bus everywhere. 

But the Packers aren’t sitting pat. Green Bay just added James Turner off of waivers after being cut by the Lions. On March 28, the Packers signed five-year NFL veteran Greg Joseph. What stands out to me about Joseph is that he has playoff pedigree. He has kicked in four playoff games, including the AFC title game in 2019 where he was 3-for-3 on extra points and 1-for-1 on his lone 30-yard field goal attempt. 

The Packers are saying that the window is now for this team. They were very close from winning two playoff games last year and the expectations are only going to rise this year. 

I don’t think this is empty competition either. They aren’t bringing in guys just to push Carlson. They are bringing in 29-year-old Joseph and giving him the opportunity to snatch the job away. All he has to do is be consistent, because he has missed 12 extra points in the last three seasons. There is no need for the Packers to add someone new if that’s what they’re getting. 

The job is Carlson’s to lose. The Packers took him for a reason. He showed flashes of his impressive leg last year on kickoffs, but with the new kickoff rules this year, does it even pay to have a kicker that can show off an impressive kickoff leg?

Last year was a honeymoon period for Carlson. The 26-year-old needs to be more consistent and more importantly, he needs to be the big-game kicker that the Packers dreamed of when they surprised just about everybody when they took him 207th overall. 

Kicker is probably the most overlooked position in all of football. But come the end of July, that position will be the most watched and most scrutinized. 

And for good reason. It would be different if the Packers were coming into this season with zero expectations, but 12 regular season wins is a real possibility. Achieving that though means not leaving any points on the field.  




Cory Jennerjohn is a graduate from UW-Oshkosh and has been in sports media for over 15 years. He was a co-host on "Clubhouse Live" and has also done various radio and TV work as well. He has written for newspapers, magazines and websites. He currently is a columnist for CHTV and also does various podcasts. He recently earned his Masters degree from the University of Iowa. He can be found on Twitter: @Coryjennerjohn


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1 points

Comments (12)

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Johnblood27's picture

June 22, 2024 at 07:11 am

ummm... "fingernails hit the floor"...??? WTF does that mean?

Dead zone fo sho!

4 points
Guam's picture

June 22, 2024 at 07:31 am

Maybe "fingernail pieces hit the floor" as in chewing on your nails during a field goal try? An odd reference to be sure.

And a very dead zone if that was the thing to stand out to both of us from this article.

2 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

June 22, 2024 at 08:28 am

Hey, good morning blood.
Perhaps the fingernails hitting the floor may mean that they are on their hands and knees praying with their head buried like a Muslim prayer session that I've seen on TV a few times.

2 points
LeotisHarris's picture

June 22, 2024 at 08:32 am

I think if you sit pat, and show flashes of your impressive leg on kickoffs, fingernails will hit the floor as long as you can show off an impressive kickoff leg. That said, it's Carlson's job to lose because this isn't a manufactured competition and he was drafted for a reason, and he flashes his impressive leg.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

June 22, 2024 at 09:34 am

Beyonce too flashes an impressive leg, and it totally works for her.

2 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

June 22, 2024 at 08:24 am

Cory quote: "That’s like buying a brand new car and taking the bus everywhere."

Loved that line.

5 points
Gman1976's picture

June 22, 2024 at 10:46 am

That was the best line of the article!

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

June 22, 2024 at 11:13 am

"Achieving that though means not leaving any points on the field. "

This is the best line of the article... It was the last line of the article!

Thanks for filling the dead zone for us Corey!

1 points
ricky's picture

June 22, 2024 at 01:27 pm

True, kickers are generally taken for granted. Except when they are called on in crucial situations to win games. Then we care. But it's not just the kicker. It is a team effort. The long snapper has to deliver the ball to a specific spot, so the holder can easily catch the ball, make sure the laces are out ("Ace Venture: Pet Detective") and the ball is placed perfectly for the kicker. Then, the kicker has to take several lateral steps, step forward and kick the ball just as it is (hopefully) properly placed by the holder. All this while huge guys with a bad attitude are trying to enter your personal space and disrupt everything. This is not an excuse for not making the kick. That is what they've been trained to do, and what they do to make a living. If they can't do the job, it's the next man up.

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

June 22, 2024 at 09:51 pm

“Like buying a brand new car and taking the bus”—that’s excellent—cracked me up.
Unless Carlson is quarantined in a leper colony, there is no way he won’t be the Packers kicker.
Go Packers!!!

-1 points
NoNonsense's picture

June 23, 2024 at 10:44 am

Slight possibility they keep two kickers, for sure 1 on the practice squad because Kickers are now gonna be forced to make tackles more often since they will be the last line of defense on kickoffs.

Now the kickoff specialist may be a requirement if your FG kicker can't put the ball in the landing zone or through the endzone. Could cost a lot of field position in games if they don't make sure they have someone who can handle the kickoff. Gonna be pretty valuable to have 1 guy who can do both jobs well and then they should still keep 1 on the practice squad as well.

It's a different ballgame for Kickers now.

1 points
CanPackFan's picture

June 23, 2024 at 02:14 pm

I have NEVER understood the lack of emphasis put on a team kicker. They are almost always the highest scoring player on a team. They must make critical kicks all the time. An olineman can miss the odd block, even at the end of a game. But not a kicker in that same, late game situation.

I am all for a kicking competition. I do not like that people are saying its Carlesons' job to lose- its his to win! Let the best man win! Keep the second best on the PS for sure. But don't play coaches favorite and don't underestimate a kickers importance one little bit! GPG

1 points

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