Confessions of a Polluted Mindset - Carolina in My Mind

The Weekly Packers Brain Drain from Jersey Al.

In my mind I'm going to Carolina. Can't you see the sunshine, can't you just feel the moonshine? 
Ain't it just like a friend of mine to hit me from behind? Yes, I'm going to Carolina in my mind.

Those are some fine lyrics from a beautiful song by James Taylor about his beloved state of North Carolina. It's one of my favorite states and one I would love to retire to if my children hadn't gone and given me Grandkids. As they're staying in NJ, that means I'm staying in NJ. "End of subject," - says Al's wife.

Anyway, back to football. I too was going to Carolina in my mind. Although I hedged my bets publicly, in my mind I was dreaming of a Packers blowout. I envisioned Aaron Jones making an impact, Jordan Love throwing TD passes and a Packers defense being able to handle the worst offense in the league. Things were going pretty well and then SMACK! Like in Taylor's song something hit me square in the back and brought me back to reality - that thing being Joe Barry and the rudderless Packers' defense. 

Barry and the Defense - Where do I even begin with this mess? I honestly thought the Packers couldn't make a better case for the firing of Joe Barry after last week's defensive debacle against Tampa Bay, but I was so, so wrong. Barry HAS to be dead man walking at this point, right? Tell me I'm right? But I know he's going to get to finish out the season.

In my opinion, the only reason to not fire Barry immediately is that there's no one on this staff that would otherwise find themselves qualified for a coordinator's job. I can hear you yelling at me, "Who cares? Anyone would be better!"  I don't have a strong argument against that other than it's not how the Packers operate. Yes McCarthy was fired in-season, but they had a qualified individual on staff to take over - Joe Philbin. There is no defensive version of Joe Philbin on this staff, which is another red flag for the future of this unit.

Points! - Yes the Panthers are not good, but until Sunday, only four teams had scored more than 28 points against the Panthers; the Seahawks, Cowboys, Lions and Chiefs. That's some pretty good company. 

Playoffs? - As I've said many times, making the playoffs was never a big priority for this season in my eyes. Now, with it being within reach, that's not to say I wouldn't like to see it happen, but it's mostly for one reason. Not because I think they can make some noise, but just to give the young guns a little taste of what playoff intensity is like. When they make the playoffs next year (and they will), it won't be their first time. They'll know what to expect and be bettered prepared mentally. My Super Bowl target is still the 2025 season, but why not get an early start towards that goal? Besides, it will require beating the Vikings and the Bears, which is always a good thing to do.

Tucker Kraft - Who is this guy? This is a COMPLETELY different player than the one we saw in camp and the preseason. He looked like the typical rookie TE who was swimming in mud, struggling in all facets of the position. You could see the athletic ability, but he just wasn't having any success in his blocking reps or pass routes. Fast forward to now, and it's all coming together for this kid. On, check out this week's "Rock Report" video. It's about Zach Tom's run blocking, but it could just as easily be about Kraft's blocking at the second level helping spring Aaron Jones to some nice gains. What a transformation we've seen in just 16 weeks.

Aaron Jones - It's going to be really hard for me if the Packers have to move on from Aaron Jones next year. If nothing else, I hope it has illustrated to the Packers how important a dynamic running back is to their offense. 

LaFleur - Matt, you have GOT TO stop making excuses for defensive failures. Stop trying to shift some blame to the offense stalling, stop trying to blame the "momentum" teams had going for them and whatever other deflections you have in your excuse bag. Just let the blame fall where it belongs.

Our Standard?

Deja Vu - Learning nothing from past mistakes is a wonderful reason for canning someone. Playing so soft you allow 44 yards in two plays with 19 seconds left in the game is another. I get you have to protect against a deep try from the other team, but do your safeties really need that much of a cushion to be able to cover a deep route? Maybe put one player 30 yards deep and move two others up a bit closer? 

Play 1: Safeties 20 yds off the LOS at the snap and drop to 30 yds off during the play.

Play 2: Safeties 22 yds off the LOS at the snap and drop to 30 yds off during the play.




"Jersey Al" Bracco is the Editor-In-Chief, part owner and wearer of many hats for and He is also a recovering Mason Crosby truther.  Follow Al on twitter at @JerseyalGBP


16 points

Comments (148)

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NickPerry's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:24 am

Replacing Barry...While there's nobody on the current staff that just jumps out as a replacement for Barry, the same could be said for replacing MLF if the Packers wanted to make such a move say last week... I know about Bisacci but when you look at this ENTIRE staff, both offensively and defensively, there's NO ONE I'd want leading the Packers. Hell, I don't even like them as assistants!

Tucker Kraft... So IF Luke Musgrave proves he can run without tripping next year it's looking like the Packers have FINALLY fixed the TE position. A smart OC and/or Head Coach would figure out the best way to us BOTH of them at the same time, just like Bill Belichick did with Gronk and Hernandez years ago... Hmmm, I'm not sure if LaFleur will figure that out.

MLF ... Does LaFleur even have ANY fucking clue? I couldn't believe it when I heard him say that about 3 and outs. With each passing week I DREAD 2024 that much more because I know NOTHING is changing while LaFleur is still here.

Right now I'd love to hibernate, just like a Bear and wake up in June of 2025. Murphy would be gone, so would LaFleur and the entire staff. And HOPEFULLY the Packers new Team President will have either given Gute full control or hired another GM who does. 2025 can't get here fast enough for me. And this is from a guy who's always dreaded the end of the NFL season.

21 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:45 am

Agreed. This coaching staff is just plain bad. I totally understand what Campbell meant and agree with him. Normally I would have said that they should fire Berry about half season but there is no one on the staff that would be better or I even trust. So keep Berry until the end and make him have to work for his salary instead of rewarding him with free money. Even if the Packers make it to the playoffs they will lose the first game.

This team will not be great until leadership is will to lay it all on the line. They need to make the tough decisions. They need to call out people. And they have to stop making decisions to make the fans happy. Run this team to win that is what you get paid to do. If you cannot quit.

17 points
PeteK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:25 am

Yeah you two guys really sound happy. LOL Yes, that was me giving both of you down votes for your fire everyone ( defensive coaches yes) attitude, especially after the way the offense is progressing this year with a roster full of rookies. Opinions everyone has one even me. :)

-7 points
NickPerry's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:40 am

I get your point Pete and I respect your opinion. I respect everyone's opinion here...

But from a leadership standpoint. From a decision making standpoint. From an assistant coaching hire standpoint. From the ability to make the tough CORRECT decision standpoint. And from many others I could list...

Matt LaFleur has FAILED miserably in all these aspects as a HC. I happen to think he's a decent Offensive Coordinator. But as a "Leader"...No Thank You!

I didn't downvote you either.

Oh...Am I happy? Sure, life has been pretty amazing, especially as a Packers fan. But as a soon to be 64 year old man who'd like to see at LEAST two more SB Titles before I stop trying to complete my"Bucket List" and is retiring very, very soon, I don't have time to wait for Matt LaFleur to figure out something I don't think he can...Winning a SB!

14 points
PeteK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:53 pm

You sound like the kind of person I would love to throw down a few beers with. I was referring to cheeseheads reference about making fans happy. I'm 68 and I think we'll both see a SB, two would be great. I get your point LMF is not a throw back, emotional, and fired up coach, but even as old as I am, I have come to respect a more firm, under control, and cerebral attitude in a coach. Time will tell and you will learn to love LMF after all the future wins.

0 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:59 am

That was my down arrow for saying that I want to fire everyone. I want to fire or not renew a contract to people not doing their job to benefit the team. Berry should not have been given another year. MLF made the wrong decision. Gute and MM made the wrong decision last year with Rodgers. I want the organization to do the right thing and do what is needed to win.

At least you were man enough to admit your mistake about my comment.

I do not want anyone to get fired. I want the Packers to win.

-1 points
LambeauPlain's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:56 am

After the deal Gutey negotiated to trade Rodgers for all that Denver Gold, that MLF, Murphy and probably Ball shot down, I am confident Brian did not want to shovel even more cap money on the ungrateful, arrogant QB and hamstring the personnel department even more.

That last Rodgers deal had Ball's fingers all over it. Gutey was more than ready to "show the Love."

2 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:32 pm

I agree with your comment about Gute and yes MM wanted to keep Rodgers and Gute is in a bad spot but that is why he gets paid those millions. But he is still part of the problem being as he in a leadership position. I will give Gute a pass on that and I should not have included him.

2 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:59 pm

Ball does the cap. He writes contracts, he doesn't decide who gets them. He's a spreadsheet guy. All the renewals land at Murphy's feet. Gutekunst presents the options (the Denver deal and later, the Jets deal) but Murphy is the decider (so to speak).

All Ball did was fit Rodgers under the cap, and kick the can down the road past Murphy's retirement. Ted Thompson is rolling in his grave.

Murphy is reactive, Ted was a planner. Murphy's time is over.

3 points
Nate-1980's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:53 pm

How are they making decisions to make the fans happy? It seems like they have done the complete opposite of that.. This house needs to be cleaned, that means GUTE better be gone, you guys give him a pass when he’s made this mess, I’ll never understand why..

-2 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:37 pm

How is Gute responsible for Barry? He didn’t hire Barry, he didn’t hire LaFleur. The coaches don’t report to him, but to Murphy. If this is a comment on the roster, then ok, I tend to think the current roster looks promising, but that is at least Gute’s responsibility.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 05:01 pm

Gutekunst deserves a lifetime contract for replacing yet another hall of fame quarterback with another soon to be all-star. He should be rewarded with full control of all football operations.

0 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:58 am

My sentiments exactly. I know 2024 is being undermined by what is happening right now. We played better with Ballentine and Valentine.. but we will get Stokes, who can’t cover, and Alexander who can’t tackle or cover like he used to(watch the tape).
MLF maxed out in 2019. I think almost any fresh face could have rejuvenated Rodgers after 2018. Rodgers then carried the team until Adams left. It’s been all MLF since Adams departure and you see the results. Rodgers carried Mo Drayton, and Mike Pettine as far as he could, but you can’t cover every eventuality.
I wonder why more Packer fans aren’t dreading 24 or at the very least are so optimistic. We have seen exactly what MLF is over 80+ games.
We have some holes to fill on both lines, probably running back, safety, and linebacker. When you couple that with MLF will be picking ANOTHER assistant there is more cause for concern than you might think.

6 points
RCPackerFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:26 am

I cant wait until 2024.

LaFleur is getting this offense rolling. With the young WR's, TE's and the young QB all meshing. They will most likely add to the OL and RB positions to make this offense even better.

With a new DC coming in, it should bring some excitement to the defensive side of the ball!

I cant wait to see what our team looks like next year!

-8 points
RCPackerFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:32 pm

Wow. I didn't realize that so many people are not looking forward to next year.

With Love looking good and getting better, and the young WR's and TE's emerging. I would have thought people would be excited for that.

And getting a new DC next year I would have thought people would have loved that. I guess i was wrong.

Oh well.

OHHHHHH, Sorry you will have to forgive me... I'm a little slow. I guess because I complimented LaFleur and said he is getting this offense rolling, that is the reason for so many dislikes. Got it. We can't praise the HC since he is now the new whipping boy of the website. For years it was Rodgers, now that he is gone they have to go with the HC.

-1 points
Leatherhead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:16 pm

".......when you look at this ENTIRE staff, both offensively and defensively, there's NO ONE I'd want leading the Packers. Hell, I don't even like them as assistants!"""

And yet, this staff has the youngest team in the league on the verge of the playoffs despite quite a few injuries to key pieces on both sides of the ball.

Bakhtiari and Musgrave and Watson and Jones were all preferred starters, and I'm not sure we ever got all four of them on the field together for even one play this year. They've helped make Walker, a 7th rounder, into a starter. They've helped Tom be a solid NFL player. They've overcome the loss of Bakhtiari. They've been without Jones, our #1 offensive weapon, quite a bit. They've been without Watson, and now Musgrave, for several games.

On defense, both of our starting corners were on the field for the first time in months. Savage and Campbell have missed time. Gary has missed time.

I'm not quite certain how a bunch of incompetents is able to keep this team in contention. Perhaps somebody can explain it to me.

-6 points
RCPackerFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:40 pm

The offensive coaches have really impressed me overall with what they have had to deal with this year. its been challenging for sure. But the young players have improved and that to me is at least a sign that the coaches have done at least a decent job with them.

Barry needs to go, but its not like he hasn't had to deal with a lot of issues as well. Alexander has been out for a lot of the season, his starting S's have been subpar and injured, his ILB's have been injured, and the CB's have been going with the 4/5/6th string for most of the year. There is a lot going on with the defense besides Barry. But Barry needs to go regardless.

-3 points
WestCoastPackerBacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:27 pm

How do you KNOW nothing will change with LaFleur running the team? They have already changed this season. We've seen such growth from the offense under his leadership; the offensive line is playing better than early this season, Jordan Love and most or all of the skill positions on offense are playing better. It's just the defense that continues to be mired in mediocrity. We never should have expected much with the ragtag band of nobodies at safety; they just don't have talent there. It is a huge bummer to have the two starting outside corners back only to see no improvement.

There will be change next year, even with MLF in charge. A new defensive coordinator, or there will be a revolt amongst the fans. Some players will not be retained; Gutey might have a bit of cap room to improve the weak spots.

But this team is doing really well (except for Barry) for being in year one of cap hell/rebuild/moving on from 4 x MVP QB. They need talent in multiple areas, but there is plenty of reason for hope. They have a lot of draft picks to work with.

-5 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:40 pm

What has LaFleur changed positively about his tactical acumen, preparation or coaching performance? He’s had 5 years. He’s overseeing nonsense. He needs to go and prove himself as a coordinator because he’s proved he can’t manage personnel, coaching staff or players.

Sitting around watching things repeat over and over and expecting change becomes foolish at some point. There’s talent in this team, more than we had a right to expect given the reconstruction.

Let’s not waste it for a guy who has had 5 years to grow and yet is reminding us each game that he hasn’t by keeping Barry, by letting things that “can’t happen” happen next game. That’s who he is. Now he seems to be blaming the players … a slippery slope not a basis for growth.

3 points
Tundraboy's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:08 pm

Thats what I've been thinking. Just wake me when they're gone and I hope what you envision really happens.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:37 am

Thanks Al—good article.
…and I believe we ALL prefer Barry should be fired immediately, but we also agree, it ain’t gonna happen until the end of the season.
I hope the Packers make the playoffs so I/we can watch them play at least one additional game before next season…and as you say, give them a taste of playoff intensity and experience.
Kraft is from TimberLake, SD, only a short drive north of me. I felt he was an excellent draft prospect and I’m thrilled he’s playing well.
Go Packers!!!

13 points
PeteK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:38 am

Agree, I prefer a TE that can block and be a threat as a receiver.

4 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:28 pm

Pete—good to hear you—haven’t seen for awhile…one of my favorites.

2 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:37 am

Starr, I think we are good to go with the TE position. Next year or sooner we will have Kraft and Musgrave who compiment each other quite well and they now both have experience. Also, you can throw in the tight end that went on IR before the season started as a third TE and a stud on ST play as well.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:27 pm

Completely agree Hawk.

0 points
PeteK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:07 pm

Decision: Sims or Davis, Sims had a good day blocking in the last game and might be a bit less shillings.

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:40 pm


-1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:28 pm

Sims is more athletic, he needs to work on his blocking. Davis had apparently improved in that area before his injury. At this point the difference in contracts is minimal as both are UDFAs that we picked up.

Sims is 3 years younger. They are very similar in terms of physique. Davis may be a more refined blocker but has less upside. I’d bring both to camp and let them battle it out with another block first TE type acquisition. Injury aside, our two starters are set at TE.

If we wanted a sub for injury today, I’d pick Sims as he can do more of what the others can. If I wanted more blocking I’d take a healthy Davis, but I’d still feel there might be a better blocker out there longer term.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:48 pm

Do you really want to get into the playoffs with the D we’ve seen recently? Give anyone else a go. We may be better, we may be worse, but this D isn’t close to adequate now. In fact it’s a National laughing stock. That’s not a good basis to make excuses for Barry still being here or explanation for that.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:42 pm

CW—I’ll always prefer to watch our team play rather than another.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:13 pm

Absolutely. I haven't forgotten what it meant being able to be sure the game would be on TV to see a Packer game.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:57 am

I don't think Al or anyone else can for any reason say anything more about Barry until season over and he is HOPEFULLY fired. With LaFluer who knows. Case closed. Happy New Year if possible with Barry!

6 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:02 am

Thanks, Al.

I don't understand what you mean when you say "no one to replace him on the staff",

Take the OC who is just a shadow to the HC running the offense and make him the DC. That will for sure make the D less offensive. Then move the O-line coach to OC and keep him out of that room.

Problems solved.

1 points
Johnblood27's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:22 am


4 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:43 pm

JB—forgot to list you as one of my favorites—but you’re at the top.

0 points
Johnblood27's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:42 am

Thank you kind sir...

0 points
LambeauPlain's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:09 am

Wink, wink...nudge, nudge!

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:54 am

Lambeau too—always excellent commentary.

0 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:07 am

Being a fan means we’re fanatical, it doesn’t mean the team we root for can hand us a shitburger and we are supposed to thank them and eat it.

Joe Barry is a shitburger.
Over a decade with abysmal Defenive Coordinators is a shitburger.
Matt LaFleur is a shitburger with cheese.

17 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:39 am

As long as Packer fans have been online, they’ve complaining about the DC. Before Capers, people were carping about Donatell & Slowik., 4th & 26 etc.

-3 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:54 am

You're not far off base, we've been 'carping' for a long time, but it's mainly because since Fritz Shurmer left town with Holmgren we've had shit for DC's.

8 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:52 am

I’m not going to call a super bowl winning defensive coordinator “shit.” That’s unfair. They had some decent defenses under Capers. He also lost a lot of good players who were replaced by JAGs.

4 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:21 am

Capers was a breath of fresh air initially. It’s fair to say that that he had a very good group to work with at his peak with us, but his D was part of us winning.

With time and TTs decline, he saw his talent level diminish under Ball, as did McCarthy on O, but Capers D was also figured out and he didn’t continue to evolve.

Capers was a very good DC, he was just here too long and had to fight diminishing resources on top of that.

4 points
croatpackfan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:09 am

I agree completely with you. No other Packers DC had D at the end of the season at 5 best D in the NFL after 2003 than DOm Capers. But, he stayed too long and have a really low level of talents that were drafted after 2013.

1 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:20 am

So are you saying we should accept bad coaches. I agree the Packers have not had a consistently good DC since Fritz. Yes he was before online chats or at least wide use of them. Capers and Petite had some good seasons but the fan base wanted the gone just like the fan base wanted Berry gone after last year.

MLF needed to hire a new DC because we were starting a young QB for the first time and the offense was they youngest and cheapest in the NFL. He needed to hit a home run with the DC to make it easier for our young offense and get the most out of our highly paid, experienced, and high draft pick defense. He kept Berry and even though the offense has shown they can play the defense has been in the basement.

I do not like to see anyone get fired and I like to see people get new contracts but if you cannot do the job you need to be gone. so do you keep or rehire contractors that cannot do the job.

3 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:50 am

"As long as Packer fans have been online, they’ve complaining about the DC. "

And take a look at the defensive rankings of the New England teams with Brady and Belichik walking off with what seems like 20 rings. You can look at it as fans online just bitch, but if you look at the numbers, there's a lot more data to support that GB has had eons of bad DCs.

2 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:04 am

The 4th and 26 was a direct result on not going for a first down when we were steamrolling Philly on offense and Sherman decided to punt instead of go for it on 4th down. The result was a 20 something yard net punt and the game was over.
Make that 4th down and it’s ballgame and we don’t see Philly’s offense again.

2 points
LambeauPlain's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:28 am

I think most of the season of DC anguish has been fans' collective dismay of having back to back HOF QBs/potent Offense and completely uncomplimentary D or STs.

It does not take long to dispel the narrative Capers was a great DC in in Green Bay. He wasn't. EVERYONE had his playbook, down and distance and his tendencies down cold. His best year was the 2010 SB season and he had great talent: Woodson, Collins, Bishop, CMIII, Jenkins, Raja, Pickett.

The following season the Packers O was unstoppable, winning in track meets outscoring the opponents to a 15-1 record but the D kept opponents in the game (look at the scores!)...then the D to completely collapsed to the 9-7 Giants in Lambeau Field for a one and done playoffs.

After the 2010 season, Capers' constant subbing, multiple personnel groups...all predictable by the opponents...was on a long, consistent decline until McCarthy was finally told to fire him.

McCarthy's stubborn loyalty to Capers (sound familiar?), kept the Packers out of 2 or 3 more SBs, IMO.

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:15 pm

Is that you Lahey?

0 points
LLCHESTY's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:14 am

They had two opportunities to not be stuck in the position they are in now. 1st was last off-season when Gray left. At that point a secondary coach with some DC experience should have been hired as a fail safe. The 2nd was earlier this year when it was obvious they still had problems stopping the run(1st Lions game). A consultant should have been hired that could evaluate the players and scheme and get a feel for the defense.

Hopefully LaFleur is aware his next hire could be his last if his hire doesn't significantly upgrade the D.

3 points
fthisJack's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:41 am

I wouldn't be so sure that Barry is gone after this season. What if the Packers win out and make the playoffs? MLF will be defending his buddy to the bitter end. So I am being a terrible fan and hoping for a loss or 2 to seal their fate and hopefully get rid of Barry when the fat lady sings.

-1 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:51 am

It really is a sad day when a large contingent of the fan base wants the team to lose-out because they don't trust the management to make the right decision on canning the worst DC on the planet. An I am not in any way blaming the fans...

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:45 am

Too bad it has come to that but history tells us that could happen. Based on last year with Barry that is!

0 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:44 am

I think Gray saw the handwriting on the wall and bolted.
Why would anyone with real NFL experience want to stay when they know failure is on the horizon?

5 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:51 am

Oh, there is no doubt about that. I think back then I read some press coverage that said as much.

3 points
NickPerry's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:09 am

"Hopefully LaFleur is aware his next hire could be his last if his hire doesn't significantly upgrade the D."

I'm not so sure Matt LaFleur is capable of hiring a upgrade. Just look at his track record. Just look at his recent promotions from within the staff. Steno as OC? Buckus as O-Line Coach?

Just UGH!!

I honestly believe there isn't a decent DC who would even want to join up with MLF. I think he's viewed as soft around the league and certainly not a good leader of men. I'm not so sure he hasn't lost a lot of this locker room already either.

10 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:56 am

It’s not just Barry, it’s pervasive. LaFleur should have already made his last hire. That there’s no one on the staff he can or will trust to replace Barry is another indictment. It’s as if Barry is a mirror of his boss in recruitment.

The worst coaches are the ones who are not only not good but don’t have good people around them. Bad Head coaches allow that. Successful coaching requires good people at all levels. Then again, does anyone really think LaFleur would be any better identifying internal coaching talent than he had been or is with player personnel?

There is a pattern of deep and broad inadequacy. The only way to stop that and stop it overriding the win that Love and the skill players appear to be is to get a true Head Coach now, before we waste their primes in overdue change after another go around.

It’s time to change, before we waste what we have as LaFleur wasted what we had.

A comment on Al’s observations on the DB positioning:

I’ve noticed rewatching that it’s often impossible to see how the defender could make a play given how they are positioned. I’ve seen plenty of bad Ds, but never one that do visibly makes it impossible for players to succeed without a huge misplay from the opponent.

Some of that is offenses knowing what Barry is doing, but as often it’s just Barry’s decisions as far as I can see. The final irritant is he’s doing it with players who need to be playing tight and attacking. So he’s got mismatched Athletes and wide open spaces and cushions that virtually ensure a catch gets an opportunity to get YAC or out of bounds. Its inexplicable.

I went to an in game Panthers blog; the themes included complete bafflement at what I’ve described above too. They agreed that the calls might have been against them, but the only reason that it was close was Barry’s D. They can see how inept that is live, but LaFleur apparently can’t?

It’s just surreal. That’s not just due to Barry by this point, unless he’s deliberately magnifying the things his boss said can’t happen the previous week (and many times previously). This is not an issue that will go away by firing Barry, just as it didn’t when Pettine left. It’s too long standing and egregious to be just down to the DC unless the HC is nothing but a mouthpiece with no real practical authority.

12 points
CheesedDeadHead's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:12 am

I agree with most of what you said CW and wanted to expound on:

"The worst coaches are the ones who are not only not good but don’t have good people around them. Bad Head coaches allow that. "

It's not just that they hire bad coaches, but the good ones jump ship as soon as they suss out the head coaches m.o. I'm sure Gray went directly to LaFleur and was ignored, or worse, was told that there would be changes and nothing changed (like when the players took issues to LaFleur). Even if there was talent to begin with they leave and it leads to a group where the ones left are just as bad or inept as the leader.

2 points
NickPerry's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:50 am

The worst coaches are the ones who are not only not good but don’t have good people around them. Bad Head coaches allow that. Successful coaching requires good people at all levels. Then again, does anyone really think LaFleur would be any better identifying internal coaching talent than he had been or is with player personnel?

I can't give you enough Thumbs Up for this part of your comment...

Just close your eyes, click your heels together 3 times, and wish, There's no time like 2025. There's no time like 2025. There's no time like 2025.

Hey, it worked for Dorothy.

5 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:51 am

Agreed Coldworld.

It will be an interesting off season to see if Barry is gone and if LaFleur is still here as well.

I think it would be difficult to get rid of LaFleur in that Murphy has one year left on his contract.

So, if the dump LaFleur, which I am advocating, do they also fire Murphy and rehire the FO and dump the silos?

Like I said, it could be an interesting off season.

3 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:48 am

I am not confident that the end of season will see Barry let go. I have no belief that a failure in 24 sees MLF employed elsewhere. This organization is a pre climate change moving glacier. Consistency and stability over change. Part of the reason the trophy case has only two lombardis in the last 30 years….

4 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:52 am

Yes, the problems start with Mark Murphy. He ignored Thompson and gave Ball defacto control in the mid teens, leading to a gutted roster and a Head Coach and QB at odds with Ball and each other.

He then rewarded himself for that by taking full control, chiding a GM who is really nothing more than a head of talent acquisition (excluding contracts) and hiring a HC after one meeting, aborting the process in place to do so.

He created silos, has presided over this abysmal coaching staff for 5 years, three money at Rodgers by mortgaging the future only for coaching howlers to trip us up foreseeably every year, then tried to throw another 100 million on Rodgers leaving us with no cap and no established talent.

A year later we had to undo that, but at a cost of 40 Million in cap this year even then. We’d have been bust cap-wise for years me had we not unwound that lunacy—we are still paying for the last dances as well. We will be ok now next year, but we won’t be cap healthy till 2025 even now.

Through all that LaFleur and Barry (Butkus and others) remain, repeating the same tactical, personnel usage errors and not correcting long standing defects. Possibly also overseeing a technical decline. The one bright spot is the talent we appear to have at QB and the young WR/TE corps.

The D is now more opaque in terms of talent or not than at the beginning of the season, because it’s so mismanaged. The OL too remains an unsolved puzzle with similar questions and regressions.

Murphy took on total control and, in his words, responsibility rightly rests with him for the team’s performance and leadership as a result. His bluff has been called.

He’s got one year left to define his legacy. Another year of this organizational ineptitude on top of the past will ensure that it’s damning. Does he want that? Does he have the vision or guts to change the inevitable repetition? If not, he’s the problem neither Rodgers nor Love has been able to overcome since the mid teens.

Love will be swapping systems and coaches just as he and this offense hit their prime and cap starts to be an asset in ‘25. Another wasted generation? Bite the bullet, there are no excuses, this pattern of deficiencies is years in the making and unchanging.

Fire LaFleur now. Clear the air, culture and upside. Hiding again from the long obvious only invites a redo that will be insanely ugly, in the locker room potentially, as well as the fan base and in the field. Barry, retained so unwisely last year, had been historically inept, visibly so, at least to all neutrals.

Who are you Mark Murphy? I hope you were right when you exclaimed “we are not idiots”! We are about to find out. Im sorry to say that I suspect your lack of action may prove you wrong once and, in your case, for your lasting legacy. Enjoy the draft in GB if I’m right.

3 points
croatpackfan's picture

December 28, 2023 at 04:08 am

You know that you and I are on the same page regarding structure and coaches, Coldworld. But, but...

"I hope you were right when you exclaimed “we are not idiots”!"

I will repeat my first sentence when I heard (or red) "we are not idiots!" statement. ONLY IDIOT will say that! Smart and clever guy would not say that in any occasion. Why? Because he does not need to. From his actions and from his words you will know that he is not idiot! Only idiots try to convince others that they are not that (idiots)!

And, to answer to the critics of me that Mark "WANI" Murphy is highly respected person in construction and building planning and that he did good job in that area, that does not means that he is not idiot when you jump to the football! Those 2 area of human activity are so different because football is dealing with persons, 53 + 16 every year (or more) while in constructions you are dealing with few owners of construction companies and urban planners and architects, eventualy some suppliers. And, those kind of negotiations you are dealing "one on one".

To be leader of the group of people or to pick the leader of the people is not easy and demands different capabilities. Mark "WANI" Murphy brought himself in area he is not capable to deal with. Pathetic. Only idiots will be so careless...

1 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:24 am

Good morning, Al,
Not quite 4:40 here on the West Coast, and I couldn't sleep after dreaming that someone had stolen my 'Wing Man", Tucker, my 4y/o Basset Hound. To me, that would be grounds for Murder.
As always, another great article, you've touched a lot of bases, some reassuring, and some of some concern.
I won't even get in to the Barry, Defense, Playoff part because you're spot-on. We all know where it stands, but it is aggravating that the playoffs were within reach with just a hint of defense in a few more games.
As for Kraft and Jones, Yes, Kraft is a real pleasant surprise from what we saw earlier this year, and the sky's the limit, happy to see it. And like you, I cringe at the thought of losing Aaron Jones, to see him in another uniform would be heartbreaking and a huge loss to the Packers in so many ways.
When it comes to LaFleur I don't know what to say other than I think its time to part ways. His love affair with Joe Barry has weakened his position, exposed him as indecisive and cowardly, and his recent episodes of throwing his players under the bus has eliminated any credibility he might have had. What assistant coach in his right mind would want to work for a Head Coach that seems content to lose due to the incompetence of others. You Play to Win the Game, and after the past two weeks LaFleur looks extremely weak, not a good posture for an NFL Head Coach.
There's untapped talent on this team that's just waiting to be tapped.
I think its time to fire the entire staff and start over.

9 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:47 am

I agree with so much that you say Houndog.

As for Aaron Jones returning next year, isn't there a CAP problem with his contract? I am not sure what that is but I believe there will be quite a bit of dead money next year. Can anyone here fully explain that to me as I really would like to see him in a GB uniform next year as well as draft a good rb in round 2/3.

Houndog, you state that no assistant coach would want to work for LaFleur. I see what you are saying but somewhat disagree. Based on LaFleur's history, if an assistant is hired he will be gainfully employed for at least 3 years based on how LaFleur has treated previous assistant coaches!

I certainly agree with you about letting LeFleur go but with Murphy hanging around another year it does not look like will happen in my opinion anyway.

-1 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:04 am

My real fear here is that LaFleur latest antics has made him look like a possible Lame Duck. Waffling is for IHOP and Denny's, not football!
You and I aren't the only ones thinking that the new regime when Murphy departs will likely want their own crew, and if 2024 doesn't go well its almost a certainty. Assistants like some security, and when it looks like it might be a 'One Year' gig, it won't look good.
Just sayin'.

3 points
baldski's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:33 am

Do OC's hire and fire asssistant coaches? I would think a head coach does that.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:55 pm

I think it depends, on the relationship between Coordinator and HC. Are they on the same side of the ball in terms if background? If they are both defensive or offensive coaches, then the HC is probably more involved. If they aren’t, who has the connections that fit—often the guy who runs the scheme.

-1 points
Hematite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:06 am

Well stated dog, I agree wholeheartedly!

1 points
PeteK's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:50 am

--I think there is a lg dead cap on AJ's contract, but I believe he still has some fuel in the tank. However, a RB needs to be drafted.
--- While we're on the backfield; I feel Dillon would be make a great H back. He has running ability, can catch, and with his size and strength could become an excellent blocker. We have seen glimpses of his blocking ability. ???

0 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:55 am

Excellent thought on Dillon Pete. That never occurred to me.

1 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:32 am

Mrs. Barutanseijin’s family has all moved to NJ, so maybe Jersey is my future as well. We both like the sense of community in the Midwest and i’d rather retire to Wisconsin, but she can’t handle the winters. Maybe climate change will convince her that Wisconsin is habitable year round.

Kraft has been a real bright spot at a. position the Packers haven’t drafted well since Finley. Maybe it’s recency bias , but i’m liking him more than Musgrave. Kraft hits defenders hard and keeps going whereas Musgrave loses his balance. Kraft is going to be a good one. And yes, you wouldn’t have thought so from what he showed in preseason.

7 points
Guam's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:29 am

It was 55 degrees on Christmas day in Madison, WI this year and has been running about 10 degrees warmer than average all fall. Not sure if it is climate change or El Nino, but this would be a great time to show your wife the mild winters (sic) in Wisconsin!

Fortunately my wife is Canadian so Wisconsin seems warm to her. After living all over the US and world, I was able to convince her that Wisconsin was a great place to retire. Although after living eight years in Guam (hence the moniker) and then retiring directly to Wisconsin, the first winter was a little tough.....

2 points
baldski's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:36 am

I agree with you 100%. Musgrave has the speed but loses his balance too easily.

1 points
fthisJack's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:48 am

My cousin lives in NC and it is a beautiful place. I, too, wouldn't mind living there except I'm a Yooper and wouldn't think of leaving. I'd miss Lake Superior and the snow and the hunting and fishing!

1 points
Hematite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:12 am

A thousand thumbs up from the City of Ishpeming🤗

3 points
Houndog's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:33 am

I know what you mean, 39 years in CA and I still miss the distinctly different 4 seasons. Out here spring, summer, fall, and winter just all seen to run together.
I'll be moving back next summer, can't wait!
And hey, don't take your boat out on Superior in November, OK?

2 points
Spock's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:02 am

Houndog, you still miss the four seasons????!!! Here's a little reality check on your fond memories.

I've been in Tucson, AZ since 2005. When people who grew up here ask me if I miss the four seasons I reply, "Do I miss these seasons?"

WINTER: when you have to shovel your ROOF to keep the gutter ice from pulling the gutters off. The joy of RE-SHOVELING/snow plowing the snow from the roof that is now in your driveway and walkway. Going out in -10°F ACTUAL temperature (never mind the windchill) and trying to shovel/snow blow a giant encrusted snow drift that somehow has gotten higher than your head on your driveway when your wife needs to go to work by 5 a.m. Shoveling the snow/sleet mix that looks like dirty sludge (not that pretty stuff on post cards and Christmas movies) and weighs a TON. -and it's too wet to snow blow so you have to shovel the crap. Sometimes having to shovel FOUR times a day when the snow just keeps coming down.

SPRING: that looks NOTHING like the movies. Hoping to get enough sunshine for a few days to melt the snow around the perimeter of our property, just so I could try to rake the twice-be-damned gravel that the crazed snowplow dude managed to get 7-8 feet up from the curb. I just remember 3-4 months of gray, gray, sky and dreary, wet weather. Going to bed in the dark, going to work (typically in a windowless building) and coming back home in the dark. I remember having ducks landing in the accumulated water in my back yard, having to go outside and raise my sump pump hose off the ground with a brick because it was wicking/sucking water back into the basement after heavy rains left it underwater. Trying to mow the lawn after days of rain when the wheels of the mower keep getting stuck in the muddy muck that the incessant rain has caused the grass to grow what seems like half a foot high. The "Monsoons" here are a joke. I've seen more water in a week in Wisconsin.

SUMMER. They laugh about "dry heat" here, but I'll take that any day over hot/humid days in Wisconsin when stepping out of the shower was about the same as not going in at all!
Which brings me to:
FALL: My favorite time of year (when we actually got one). Most of the time we got about one week to enjoy the fall "colors" and then got either rain or snow. Typically, we'd get some big thunderstorm that would cause all the trees to drop their pretty leaves and then I'd have to scramble to try and CLEAN OUT THE GUTTERS before winter and try to rake up the (often heavy and wet) leaves so I could (hopefully) get the "last" lawn mowing done. That never seemed to happen as we'd always get some late rain and just enough sunshine to make the grass grow like bamboo!
Do I miss the 4 seasons? Hell, no!
By the way, last week -LAST WEEK- I debated turning the AC back on when the temperature his over 80°F! Granted, that's far from typical, but I'll take this weeks more normal 40's and 50's. Hey, glad you're looking forward to moving back, but just felt a need to give you al little reality check on your expectations, lol!


0 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:37 pm

Sounds like you lived in the nice part.

Maybe you're just being nice.

Where I live now, if I miss the four seasons, I just drive up the mountain, enjoy the snow with my dog, then drive down and go golfing.

0 points
Packers0808's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:02 am

Lived in Southern and central UP all my 79 years. Wouldn't give up the peace we have year around and after living 10 winters in Florida. Last 4 back home and never looked back!

3 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:00 pm

We winter in Florida for 7 - 8 months and then return for the summer in the Tri States (Iowa, Wisconsin and Illinois) on the Mississippi.

I couldn't be better!

0 points
Hematite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:56 pm

The gales of November come early.

1 points
Spock's picture

December 28, 2023 at 06:21 am

Especially for the Edmund Fitzgerald. R.I.P. the souls on board. I remember some smart *ss critic lambasting Gordon LIghtfoot for "making up the facts of the song" . Lightfoot pointed out that there were TWO Edmund Fitzgeralds, not just the one the 'critic' was thinking of. Don't believe the critic ever appoligized.

0 points
fthisJack's picture

December 29, 2023 at 09:23 am

Gitche Gumee is wildly unpredictable and dangerous but so beautiful even in its fury!

0 points
packerbackerjim's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:10 am

MLF has a couple of positive aspects, being creative offensively and players seem to like him. The negative points are plentiful: lack of in-game adjustments, refusal to jettison incompetent lieutenants, inattentive to anything other than offense, and most recently, pressers which are painful to watch. I expect the excuses will be flying all around 1265 Lombardi. An interesting offseason awaits.

1 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:21 am

He is an above average to very good OC. He is not a HC.

3 points
Guam's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:20 am

Good news for the Vikings game - Hockenson (their leading receiver this year) tore his ACL and MCL against Detroit. Hate it for the player, but those injuries will likely take Hockenson off the board for most or all of next season as well. Skol!

Regarding Barry, there is just nothing more to say. It is beyond obvious he needs to go. Hopefully it happens immediately after the season is over. I would love it if the Packers got the DC from Carolina (Evjiro?) who Lafleur passed over for Barry during the first go around. Might happen since the Panthers are looking for a HC and probably a new staff. I also wouldn't mind Jim Leonhard although he is a bit less credentialed at the NFL level.

But since Lafleur is doing the hiring (Menenga, Drayton, Barry, Butkus) anything is possible. Yikes!

1 points
Since'75's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:25 am


Hockenson is crippled up so the Packers have a better chance!!

Now if only Danielle Hunter could have a heart attack!!!

Lets all pray....
God, please see to it that Danielle Hunter suffers an almost catastrophic heart event to enable our Green Bay Packers to....... the name of Jesus...Amen

-12 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:02 am

Having had heart trouble and surgery to correct it, i’m not going to wish that on anyone, not even a Minnesota Viking.

8 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:47 pm

‘75–I’m a devoted Christian—-and that cracked me up. I didn’t say the prayer however—lol.

0 points
Cheezehead72's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:47 am

I never want to see a player get hurt. If they get hurt I wish them a quick and full recovery. I also know it is part of the game and happens.

5 points
Guam's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:15 am

Agreed that players getting hurt is a bad thing, but when it happens to the Vikings as a team, I can't get too upset. I just don't like the Vikings.

3 points
SinceLombardi's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:14 am

A healthy Alexander got torched by rookie Justin Addison.. now is Stokes and Alexander lining up against Addison and Jefferson.
The Vikings probably won’t even need a tight end.
There is only one answer , intense pressure on Mullins. You know their receivers will beat out corners so don’t leave Mullins time to see it.

4 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:10 am

Those guys are just working up to speed after long layoffs. They'll come around just in time for us to ride a 3-game win streak into the playoffs.

Can you tell I'm a Packer fan?

-1 points
jannes bjornson's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:49 am

They have four WRs that will shred the Pack's secondary: Addison, Jefferson, Osborn and Powell. Ty Chandler is a 4.3 running back and if he gets to the edge he's gone. Mullens tossed for over 400 yards vs Detroit. LaFleur will have to match them for points, or the game will be over by halftime.

0 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:48 pm

Exactly right Lombardi.

0 points
13TimeChamps's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:45 am

I've always been of the mindset that I want to see our best players beat their best players. Hoping for/rejoicing over players getting injured just is not cool at all. These injuries can have long term effects long after a player retires.

I still can't believe Detroit traded away Hockenson...and to a division rival to boot.

6 points
EnemyTerritory's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:59 am

They traded Hockenson and his multimillion dollar extension for Laporta and a cheap four year contract. Wise cap management and good drafting. Hated to see TJH get hurt. He would have destroyed the Barry “scheme” and perhaps added another nail to his employment coffin. Addison is also hurt (ankle) so the Vikings will be undermanned offensively. A middle of the Pack D should have afield day against the turnover prone Mullins but…

3 points
barutanseijin's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:06 am

but yeah… they don’t put enough pressure on offenses to generate many turnovers .

0 points
Ferrari-Driver's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:40 pm

13, I agree with you on that one. It's a good game when everyone can play and I love it more when our team finishes the game on top.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:49 pm

I fully agree with that 13Time

0 points
ricky's picture

December 27, 2023 at 08:27 am

A couple of guys from PFF are also noticing the problems with the Packers defense, and calling it out. These are not Packers fans, but they also are greatly troubled by what is happening in the "prevent defense". But they also have some strong criticism of Rashan Gary. Could it be that the DC's incompetence is finally wearing down the defenders? That they are sometimes taking plays off because they are so discouraged by the defensive schemes they are forced to try to execute? The video is about ten minutes long, but echoes every criticism we've been reading about on here for the last few years.

5 points
RCPackerFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:20 am

"Could it be that the DC's incompetence is finally wearing down the defenders?"

I have wondered this part as well. Eventually when the players lose faith in the coaches, their play on the field suffers. Basically the only way this team has been successful is if the front gets to the QB. Its hard for the front to get to the QB if the QB is getting the ball out in 2 seconds. It feels like to me that the players are feeling it.

1 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:51 pm

Agree RC.

0 points
jlc1's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:05 am

There is enough history of coaching hires in this thread to make it evident MLF is not willing to hire someone who might push back or have the ability to threaten his job (which is to say establish a high standard for their unit). As noted above Philbin's presence helped show Mccarthy the door and obviously MLF understands that.

5 points
T7Steve's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:18 am

Always tell my help that if they don't want my job, they won't do me any good.

How many coaches were poached last offseason? How about the last couple? When you start having them quit, isn't it a problem? These NFL coaching positions don't grow on trees.

1 points
TXCHEESE's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:10 am

Probably won't happen, but I hope Mark Davis screws up again and bypasses a successful interim HC and goes outside to hire a new one. Would love for GB to jump on Antonio Pierce and bring him in as the new DC (or maybe HC). That defense plays fast and aggressive. I believe the talent is there. They just need someone to let them play.

The two videos Al supplied above, provide all you need to see, to determine JB's fate. Hell, it looks like he was expecting a quick kick from Carolina.

0 points
Fubared's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:19 am

I wish I had some of you peoples optimism but GB's forte was to find D coordinators who werent in demand and came at an affordable price.
Second the over all talent on d is lacking. The phil that if your pass rush can get to the qb, you dont need talented corners and safeties, just workable is okay.
Sorry but if the pack wins 8 games next year Id be surprised. you cant rebuild this d in one draft and no coach will make them that much better

-4 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:50 am

That is counter-factual. Dom Capers was highly sought after as a d-coordinator, the runner up for the job was Wade Phillips also a highly successful defensive presence. Pettine pretty much had his choice of jobs. Bob Sanders too, was very successful and in demand.

Don't confuse Matt LaFleur's hires with Mike McCarthy's. McCarthy hired guys who had been successful HEAD coaches and trusted them to run a program. Not true with LaFleur.

4 points
HawkPacker's picture

December 27, 2023 at 12:05 pm

Ok, let's look ahead a little bit. LaFleur fires Barry and he has to hire another DC. Based on his track record for hiring, how do you think that will go?

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:50 pm

badly. that's why LaFleur is the cancer, and Barry just a symptom of the malignancy

2 points
Starrbrite's picture

December 27, 2023 at 04:52 pm

I kinda agree with you Payne, but I do believe a new coach and scheme will improve this defense.

0 points
Qoojo's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:19 am

I imagine that the defense has a lot of morale problems at this point. Douglas shipped off mid-season. Campbell's recent complaints. An imbecile that never should have been hired running the show on defense.

I watched Butler's videos on TB game, and there is always misalignment and miscommunication. At least one guy doing something wrong. Quite frequently the alignment problem was with the LBs, and then the Safeties not smart enough to figure out who to cover presnap. My guess is that not even JB knows how the defense should play presnap.

There were a lot of positives on the offensive side from Panthers game. Panthers suck largely due to their offense, and their defense is pretty good.

Seems like the packers always get a "HC" that is an OC, and when the defense inevitably sucks, the "HC" gets a pass because the offense is good enough. So yea, JB's defense sucks. What are you going to do about it MLF? Because it seems like MLF doesn't have a clue. We should be talking about firing MLF for hiring JB and not getting the defense straightened out in 3 years.

9 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:59 am

The last defensive coach/head coach was Ray Rhodes. How did that work out. The Packers hire offensive minded head coaches because they are a quarterback rich team. It makes sense. Ultimately it doesn't matter if you're a defensive minded head coach or an offensive minded head coach (or in Baltimore's case - a team whose head coach ran special teams), what matters is wins.

That said, they should definitely part ways with LaFleur, because his team has no particular identity, and it's trending downward.

1 points
Swisch's picture

December 27, 2023 at 09:28 am

Even if we're mullen over how many yards and points the Vikings quarterback might put up against the Packers defense, and how it may cause us headache and heartbreak in the final seconds, I'm just going to root for the Packers to win and win, and maybe win some more.
It seems the operations aspect of the Packers is so messed up these days, we don't know how it will get better whatever the results for the rest of this season.
So, the players might as well go out there giving everything they've got to win -- and let the pieces of the front office, the coaches, and the draft fall where they may.
For these players, an NFL career is so short due to wear and tear over time, and so fragile due to the possibility of injury at any moment, that it's well for them to seize any opportunity they can for individual performance and team success.
What LaFleur and Barry don't seem to understand is that football players need ample opportunities to be dashing and daring within all of the required discipline of assignments.
These guys want to be challenged, they want to be creative, and they want to make plays.
It's not a matter foolishly ignoring responsibilities, but of allowing for a measure of fun to get the adrenaline going and the competitive juices flowing.
For the most part, let's not backpedal these next two games; let's go forward.
Let the players play.
Win or lose, let's finish up the season boldly.

0 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:16 am

When the beauty is in the scheme or play design, really the focus isn’t on the players and their strengths or perhaps motivators?

2 points
Swisch's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:46 am

In harmony with your response, Coldworld, it is ultimately about people, isn't it?
The scheme and the play design can help to bring out the best in the players, but people cannot thrive when they are subsumed in a system.
We need discipline and responsibility and assignments, but we also need creativity and initiative and daring.
We also need shared goals in sacrifice and camaraderie.
If our coaches of the Packers don't fully get this phenomenon of the human spirit, I truly hope they might consider pondering it this Christmas season.
I may be mistaken, and would be incomplete in my understanding, but it seems Packers legend Herb Adderley was much more enthusiastic about playing for the Packers than the Cowboys (although he won Super Bowls with both) because Lombardi as a coach, compared to Landry, was more human -- and less about a system of plugging in people as interchangeable parts.
Lombardi in his demanding discipline and mercurial moods would have been nearly insufferable if he didn't have the human touch that understands the human need for creativity and camaraderie.
As an example, Lombardi and Bart Starr prepared a meticulous plan for each game, but Starr called the plays on the field according to not only the intent of that plan, but the unexpected conditions of the moment.
The Packers don't eke out the Ice Bowl with a 68-yard drive in the final few fleeting minutes -- overcoming the bitter cold and a concrete tundra, plus a Cowboys defense so dominant that the Packers had negative yardage in the second half -- unless there is an abundance of the human spirit.
It's something that experts and academics, industrialists and politicians, forget at their own peril, and ours, as individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities, and nations.
It's true for football coaches, as well.
When our leaders forget about us as people, we have to remind them that they need us more than we need them.
As a highly relevant addendum:
Before Christmas, the idea of human dignity, human equality, and human rights for all people without exception was unheard of, unthinkable, perhaps even unimaginable.
Christmas is the founding of America in the creed of the Declaration of Independence for our God-given rights and responsibilities.
It is because of Christmas that humans invented the first hospitals and universities, with a flourishing of the arts and the sciences.
Christmas is the cradle of civilization because it is the triumph of the human spirit against a pagan antiquity of faceless conformity, universal slavery, and the insignificance of the individual before the State.
Traditionally, this is only the third of the Twelve Days of Christmas (as in the carol and the play by Shakespeare) -- and so I hope we all get the most out of the merriment of the season.
A spirited win against the rival Vikings by a Packers team both disciplined and daring would be a big boost of holiday cheer.

1 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:10 pm

Odd then that so many of the founders weren't Christians, but rather were deists. Also, don't tell the Greeks that the ideas of equality and well, democracy somehow had an origin in Xmas. They might actually fight you.

I wonder, do you accept that Jesus was a Palestinian. Dark haired, dark skinned, and brown-eyed?

That said, I'm happy Christmas birthed the Charlie Brown Christmas special, the Macy's and Gimbles santas, and David Sedaris' Santaland diaries.

2 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:42 pm

I’m not sure Jesus was a Palestinian. He predated the main influx of Arabic peoples that came with the subsequent caliphates, after the collapse of Byzantine control. Of course none were Muslims as that religion was yet to be founded. He wasn’t a Samaritan, we know that from the parable.

He’d probably have considered himself a Judean, itself a claim of descent from the biblical 12 tribes. Palestinia was a Greek not local name area for that general area, larger than current Jewish or Palestinian claims of sovereignty. The Romans adopted it a century or so later as part of their renaming of a province, possibly to remove reference to Judea and its religion.

The history is complex, but it’s a misconception to believe that the area has always been inhabited by those now identifying themselves as Palestinians. Indeed many of the then contemporary ethnicities were pushed out subsequently or subsumed.

So probably not blond and blue eyed, although God did make him in her own image, so who knows, but definitely not Palestinian in any modern connotation.

Sorry for the off topic diversion, but there’s too much crap thrown around about these things these days and it’s too often swallowed whole.

2 points
Swisch's picture

December 27, 2023 at 07:12 pm

Aristotle and Plato were in favor of slavery as natural and normal, as were many of their later admirers in the Renaissance and the Enlightenment (e.g., Locke and Voltaire).
As wrote Rodney Stark, "All classical societies were slave societies. In fact, all known societies above the very primitive level have been slave societies. . . . Amid this universal slavery, only one civilization ever rejected human bondage: Christendom. And it did it twice!"
According to Mike Aquilina, "But the idea of universal love was something new and, to pagan thinking, quite obviously wrong. People had to prove they were worth something; they didn't earn respect just by being human. A beggar was a failure. A slave was inferior by nature. The members of the aristocracy were better than other people. . . ."
Finally, the great G.K. Chesterton: "But in one sense there is a significance in the old slavery. It stands for one fundamental fact about all antiquity before Christ; something to be assumed from first to last. It is the insignificance of the individual before the State. It was as true of the most democratic City State in Hellas [Greece] as of any despotism in Babylon. It is one of the signs of this spirit that a whole class of individuals could be insignificant or even invisible."
Just as there is fake news, there is also false history, and both with phony narratives and counterfeit stereotypes.
Contrary to much of modern belief, it is Christianity that is revolutionary and progressive when it comes to human equality and human rights for everyone without exception.
My children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren by marriage are part African American, Latin American, and Native American. Lots of dark hair, dark skin, and dark eyes.
You can look up one of my grandchildren, Matthew Ballentine, on ESPN as a football player for the University of San Diego. He was very good at Eastern Kentucky in 2022, didn't play much as a transfer this season, and apparently is hopeful to be a big contributor to the Toreros next season. (Fortunately, he doesn't have my biology of modest athleticism).
By the way, the sincerely Catholic and legendary head coach of the Packers, Vince Lombardi, was in effect one of the great pioneers of the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s -- in the way he treated his players of all colors as simply men (as portrayed in his two-part biography on the NFL Network).
It's a heritage we as Packers fans can be proud of.
Herb Adderley said he loved his father, but didn't think about him every day; he thought about Vince Lombardi with fondness every day.
Dave Robinson remarked, in an innocent way, that he had never cried at the funeral of a white man until that of his dearly departed head coach, Vince Lombardi.
Merry Christmas is meant for all people, because all people have gained great benefits from Christmas.
It is indeed of the essence of the best of America.

0 points
Bitternotsour's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:02 am

Al, I'd argue that even more than getting the young players a taste of the playoffs, they need something to aspire to, to gather around. LaFleur certainly doesn't provide it.

Win two, get in. Win again. Shock the world.

5 points
RCPackerFan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:14 am

Barry and the Defense -
I agree that they feel they don't have another qualified person to be interim DC. I believe that if they had Jerry Gray on the defense still Barry would have been fired and Gray would have taken over. But for this year I believe that they don't feel they have anyone that can serve as interim DC. So they are riding this out.

Points! -" Yes the Panthers are not good, but until Sunday, only four teams had scored more than 28 points against the Panthers; the Seahawks, Cowboys, Lions and Chiefs. That's some pretty good company. "
The Packers put up 33 points being down 2 of their top 4 WR's. And finished the game without 3 of their top 4. That was the most impressive part to me.

Playoffs? -
To start the year playoffs were not important to me. The important part was to figure out if Love was the guy. That was the biggest thing. I believe he is the guy. And now that playoffs are within reach, I believe the best thing for the future of this group is for them to make the playoffs. Even if its a one and done, just getting to the playoffs to experience it would be huge for this young team. I believe this would propel them into the offseason and into the future. So i believe it is very important for them to make the playoffs now.

Tucker Kraft -
Sometimes guys just need to play to get better. Kraft is definitely a different player from camp. He could be considered one of the most improved players. I can't wait to see 2 TE sets with Musgrave and Kraft together! I think they will compliment each other really well! The 2 TE set with these 2 guys could create a ton of mismatches in the future. Musgrave is faster then a lot of WR's, and now you add a traditional TE. They will be able to do a lot of things with these guys. I cant wait to see it!

Aaron Jones -
The last few games without Jones we got to see Dillon become a wrecking crew bowling ball type of player. And it worked. But then in this game we see Jones just exploding through holes. It was almost eye opening seeing the difference from Dillon/Taylor to Jones. I would love to see Jones back. But even if he does come back, they need to add more explosive players to the roster.
One major reason why I wanted them to bring back Tyler Goodson over Patrick Taylor was because of his explosiveness. He has shown that with the Colts and is now on their roster. He had 1 carry for 15 yards in one game. The next game he had 11 carries for 69 yards and long of 31. I hope we can see Wilson come back this week and have this week and next week to see his speed on the field. When Jones isn't on the field its noticeable there is a lack of speed.

LaFleur -
His offense did not help the defense with a few 3 and outs. That being said the offense also was without 3 of their top 4 WR's. One of their top receivers was Bo Melton who is a PS guy. The offense was stressed with who they could use and play. The backup RB's simply didn't do anything to help. The defense deserves all the blame for that mess. There is absolutely no excuse for allowing them to score 30 points. The most points they have scored all season was 27 in week 3. They haven't broke 20 points since week 6. No excuses.

Deja Vu -
This is Joe Barry. This is who he is and what he does.
Play 1: Safeties 20 yds off the LOS at the snap and drop to 30 yds off during the play.
Play 2: Safeties 22 yds off the LOS at the snap and drop to 30 yds off during the play.

I can't wait to see who they get for DC in the offseason!

2 points
stockholder's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:42 am

"Making the play-offs was never a big priority."
This is exactly why Barry wasn’t fired.
And unless you change the defensive scheme.
Forget the noise too.
The packers will be eliminated mathematically.
Even if they win their last two.
It was about progress, Love replacing Rodgers, nothing more.
A short run. Not 2025. Is your red Flag.

No players were brought in.
And “another” CB traded by Gute.
So it really doesn’t matter who you point at.
Or the failures in the secondary. ( and how they're lined up.)
MLF could run this defense and turn over the offense.
But if things haven’t changed in 15 years.
Another 15 won’t matter.

0 points
Packer_Fan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:57 am

Lafleur, Love and the offense have progressed to the point where the Packers are viable for the playoffs.

The defense is at the bottom of the barrel. I surmise that it is because teams have figured out the soft zone and to some degree the players have lost confidence in themselves and Barry.

All DC have games where they get blown out. And all of them have issues by the end of the season when offenses are playing well. But the good DC come up with good game plans or good adjustments during games or the right calls during the game to help the team win.

Barry is just pathetic. Teams make adjustments during games which exploit the system, at the ends of games just seem to know the best play for the coverage and probably worst of all, Barry let's bad QB'S get into a rhythm and make them look like all pros.

Next year the Packers will again be in the hunt for the playoffs. But not if they retain Barry.

-2 points
Lphill's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:14 am

all the coaching drama is over shadowing the fact Love is putting together a pretty solid season I am thankful for that.

5 points
croatpackfan's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:15 am

Al, you asked "When he says " not up to our standard" what standard is that? Have they established a consistent standard to strive for?"

Listen to his last sentence in that "tweeter" clip - MLF: "It's good to gets the win, but, certainly I don't think it is up to our standards!"

It looks like Packers standard is not to win the game. That is what MLF said!

But, regarding the rest of your article, you are correct on every issue you "touch". Nothing to add!

0 points
Tundraboy's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:38 pm

Yes, he would have been better off saying a win is a win. Better yet nothing. We saw it all.

0 points
splitpea1's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:17 am

It will be interesting to see how the Packers handle the RB situation in the off-season; I think they re-sign Dillon to a team-friendly contract, as a veteran presence is important. If the Packers move on from Jones, they need to draft someone with the same electric ability on the ground, but also some experience in pass blocking; otherwise he's not going to see the field as much as you would like.

1 points
Coldworld's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:41 pm

They can’t pay Jones what is projected easily. They shouldn’t pay him that unless they confidently believe he can stay healthy for the vast majority of the season. I suspect they won’t pay him, will either try to negotiate a lesser base with high incentives or move on and look to get lucky in the draft.

The problem is that they know LaFleur won’t play a guy he doesn’t know can protect and doesn’t give them chances to prove it in preseason unless they are very high picks. It will be interesting to see how Jones approaches it and how it plays out.

Dillon is a safe prospect on a team friendly deal. How much do they really believe in Wilson though? If they like Wilson enough, maybe they move on from Dillon and find a young power back to bring on.

1 points
Dragon5's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:31 am

Few Packers have repped this org better than Aaron Jones, but he is born in a DOG year, and come February 10th, the DRAGON year begins. DOG & DRAGON are enemy to move on. Rudy Ford is the other prominent DOG on the roster who should not be retained. Next in line for unfavorable year are GOATs: Packers Franchise, Murphy, MLF, Bahk. Ironic how past unwise decisions by management seem to be lining up for judgment during next year's karmic 8 year.

3 points
Dragon5's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:38 am

0 points
Lphill's picture

December 27, 2023 at 11:47 am

John Schneider would save this team if available.

0 points
LeotisHarris's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:56 pm

He's under contract with the Seattle through the 2027 Draft, and no longer has language in his contract that would allow a move to the Packers if the opportunity was presented.

2 points
Vachio's picture

December 27, 2023 at 01:14 pm

Someone made a comment on another post to the tune of "How does LaFleur ever talk about accountability with a straight face after how he has handled Joe Barry?" That is the biggest reason, IMO, that he should have been fired already. Even without a clear and obvious replacement on the staff, you can't expect to allow that kind of piss poor performance to continue while preaching accountability to the players. That's a sure fire way to completely lose the team.

5 points
Since'75's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:12 pm

My comment in this article appears in my comment history, but is nowhere to be found in here.

I didn't know censorship existed here, i learn something new everyday i guess.

I didn't cuss at all, If Al doesn't like what you say, apparently he removes it.

I guess i was wrong thinking Americans valued freedom of speech.
Not here apparently.

What if....i bought a t-shirt, could i then get my comments put back up?

How about it, would you like that?

-2 points
Coach Cleve Steamer's picture

December 27, 2023 at 03:30 pm

December 27, 2023 at 08:25 am

Hockenson is crippled up so the Packers have a better chance!!

Now if only Danielle Hunter could have a heart attack!!!

Lets all pray....
God, please see to it that Danielle Hunter suffers an almost catastrophic heart event to enable our Green Bay Packers to....... the name of Jesus...Amen

0 points
Since'75's picture

December 27, 2023 at 06:18 pm

They sent the muscle in.

Ok, listen up cupcake, that is SARCASM.
AIMED at the person who was GLEEFUL Hockenson has a MCL and ACL injuries THUS, increasing the Packers chances of WINNING the game.

If you still don't get it.....
I was mocking that person for his view.

If you still don't get it, re-read both comments together, then google 'sarcasm definition'.
Now....what was wrong with the other comments of mine you censored?

-1 points
Qoojo's picture

December 28, 2023 at 11:05 am

I doubt it was censored. The forum software used to post here is very flaky and buggy. I suspect that there might be a language filter because I used "s-h-i-t" (without dashes) in a watch party post and i could see it but i suspect no one else could.

I have not seen the issue lately where all posts end up under a reply for an earlier post. I have not seen this style of message board used elsewhere, so it might be a one-off or developed from scratch.

0 points
Since'75's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:37 pm

My comment(s) also disappeared in ....Joe Barry Almost Ruined Christmas.

Maybe i'm not understanding something in how this website operates.

Should we write comments on our time, submit them, then wait to see if you agree with it, or disagree with it and possibly remove it......essentially wasting our time writing it in the first place?
Is that how this works here at CHTV?

Nags, Corey...any thought's?

Please, no weirdo responses.

-3 points
Oppy's picture

December 27, 2023 at 10:45 pm

Oh, no, you're a victim.
Woe, woe is you.

4 points
Since'75's picture

December 28, 2023 at 01:32 am

Oh wipe your nose clean and grow up, it's censorship Opie.

-2 points
Oppy's picture

December 28, 2023 at 07:24 am

You're probably the only person in the world who has ever posted in a forum and had it taken down for some reason or another. I'm guessing it wasn't because you disagreed with someone's opinion, but probably because of how you voiced your disagreement with someone's opinion.

It happens to most of us from time to time, the difference between you and most others is that most others understand why they had a post removed and take ownership of it. You, instead, have a mini-tantrum like a child and weep about being a victim in multiple posts.

The world is against me, I take no responsibility, I'm being censored. It's not because I'm an offensive knob, it's because I'm an independent thinker. Wipe your nose clean and grow up, indeed.

2 points
Since'75's picture

December 28, 2023 at 08:17 am

Stop whining already, seriously.

Is this what you do best?

-1 points
Oppy's picture

December 28, 2023 at 12:49 pm

Do you just say "I know you are but what am I"?

0 points
Since'75's picture

December 28, 2023 at 03:25 pm


🥱 Go away kid, ya bother me.

-1 points
Since'75's picture

December 27, 2023 at 02:47 pm

In unrelated, i'd like to turn a new leaf!!

I want to agree with everyone

I want to thumbs up everybody

I want others to do my thinking for me

I want to buy all the merch i can afford and be valued.

I don't EVER want to say anything where i may get a thumb down!!

I want to sit around the campfire telling everyone how much i agree with them, and then we can all sing kumbaya together

Then maybe we can all go out for ice cream after, chocolate would be fine as most of our noses are already brown.

-1 points
Cartwright's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:52 am

Coach Barry could tell the reporters, I don't know what the fuss is all about, we coach a bend but don't break defense. In Carolina, my defense allowed fewer points than theirs and had them throw the ball at the end to run out the clock and it worked using every last second to do it. Entertaining wasn't it. Give me a break please and let me hang for just one more year, daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

0 points
Since'75's picture

December 28, 2023 at 05:06 pm

Lets say you have a really, really high paying job, you work maybe...6,7,8 months a year.

But some feel you're not doing a good job.
What do you do?

Go to your boss, quit and tell him to find somebody else?
This is similar to Capers in a way when he was here, wayyyy too long.
I didn't blame Capers for wanting to keep his job...DUH.
I blamed McCarthy for not replacing him.

Same with Barry.....DUH
I blame MLF for not replacing him after last season, if he had that power.
If he didn't, then i blame whoever had the power.

But F....i'm not blaming Capers or Barry for wanting to keep their jobs.

Be angry at the people who are responsible,

That's who deserves your angst.

This is pretty basic.

0 points